Saturday, June 18, 2022

1010: Are we Free?.........

 Freedom. Are we free? As I said in the previous lecture, freedom is a relational concept, it is about the relations we have with our fellow man.


We can differentiate between two ways of freedom. We enjoy the freedom TO.... We are free to travel to wherever we like, to buy whatever we want, to say whatever we want...ok...within the limits of the law.


This leads to the second form of freedom: freedom FROM..... we are free from slavery, free from unjust treatment, free from all kinds of dangers, or at least protected from them.


The next question is, how did we get there? To begin with, what I just said is very Europe-centered. There are many places on this earth where these freedoms do not apply.


However, it is, at least, my opinion, that such freedom should apply to all people on this earth. If you see it as a historical process of growth and development, 


you could have the hope, that this kind of freedom will become universal, but that would need another couple of centuries.


That is, when you agree that what we see as basic Human Rights should be the norm, but even on that is disagreement.


The world had a simple structure: King - Elites - The rest. The King ruled and pleased the elites to keep his head and everybody (except of course the rest) was happy.


However, due to revolutions society changed from closed to open. The monarch was decapitated and where previously the monarch stood as head, 


was now a symbolically 'empty' place. No one can lay claim to it anymore. Symbolic successors to the monarch's head and body are the voting booth and parliament. 


The booth, with a curtain, in which every vote counts. The parliament, in which the community of citizens sees itself reflected, in party struggles, changes between government and opposition, and endless debate. That is what we call our democracy.


The beginning of the 20th century introduced the thesis, that it wasn't a good idea to exploit the masses indefinitely and to listen to these masses before you get in trouble. This idea was called socialism.


Where do we stand now with respect to the safety of our freedom? If I only speak within the context of my own country, The Netherlands, I have no complaints. Just look at the map behind me.


I only can conclude that due to the rise of socialism we now live in a society in which basically everyone can have a say through voting. That is our democracy.


But this probably eternal conflict between greed and the willingness to fairly share the revenues continues to gnaw at the chair legs of our democracy..


To quote the American documentary maker Astra Taylor:  The real worry right now is not tyranny of the majority. 


If you look at the popular will in this country, the majority of people still want action on climate change, despite all of the disinformation 


and all of the millions of dollars that have been poured into misleading the public about the scientific consequences, right? 


People want better health care and public investment in health care. People want unions, et cetera. I think the problem is not the tyranny of the majority right now. 


The problem is the tyranny of an elite minority. The Founding Fathers were very concerned with protecting minority rights. they were very concerned with the rights of the opulent. (..)


That is the history that these Republican figures are actually conjuring when they talk about the United States being a constitutional republic, not a democracy.  -END QUOTE-


There still are these elites in this world, that is a threat to the rule of the people, to democracy. The biggest danger is of course totalitarianism.


Communism and Nazism reject modern democracy with its social divisions and aim to fill the void of power with one truth, one party, one man. 


This totalitarian temptation can take on new forms. Just look at contemporary right-wing populism: 


especially the claim of Putin, Trump, or Orban to be the true spokesperson of the people, which is truly anti-democratic, because anti-pluralist.


But don't despair. Even the most totalitarian regime on this earth sees some value in democracy as it calls itself officially the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.


It is my freedom to declare hereby our project as accomplished and the gates opened to enjoy a happy summer break. 


Thank you was a wonderful and inspiring year again.....


New Project starts 6 September

Main Sources:

MacMillan The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2nd edition

Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 1995
Annelien de Dijn: "Freedom. An unruly history".  2020

TABLE OF CONTENT -----------------------------------------------------------------  

  1 - 100 Philosophers                         9 May 2009  Start of

  2 - 25+ Women Philosophers                       10 May 2009  this blog

  3 - 25 Adventures in Thinking                       10 May 2009

  4 - Modern Theories of Ethics                       29 Oct  2009

  5 - The Ideal State                                               24 Febr 2010   /   234

  6 - The Mystery of the Brain                                  3 Sept 2010   /   266

  7 - The Utopia of the Free Market                       16 Febr 2012    /   383

  8. - The Aftermath of Neo-liberalism                      5 Sept 2012   /   413

  9. - The Art Not to Be an Egoist                             6 Nov  2012   /   426                        

10  - Non-Western Philosophy                               29 May 2013    /   477

11  -  Why Science is Right                                      2 Sept 2014   /   534      

12  - A Philosopher looks at Atheism                        1 Jan  2015   /   557

13  - EVIL, a philosophical investigation                 17 Apr  2015   /   580                

14  - Existentialism and Free Will                             2 Sept 2015   /   586         

15 - Spinoza                                                             2 Sept 2016   /   615

16 - The Meaning of Life                                        13 Febr 2017   /   637

17 - In Search of  my Self                                        6 Sept 2017   /   670

18 - The 20th Century Revisited                              3 Apr  2018    /   706

19 - The Pessimist                                                  11 Jan 2020    /   819

20 - The Optimist                                                     9 Febr 2020   /   824

21 - Awakening from a Neoliberal Dream                8 Oct  2020   /   872

22 - A World Full of Patterns                                    1 Apr 2021    /   912

23 - The Concept of Freedom                                  8 Jan 2022    /   965

****  SUMMER BREAK  ****


1009: Socialism vs. Liberalism...

 The year is 1900 -1914. We have arrived at a complex moment in time. We have two concepts, that started closely related but grew apart through time: freedom and democracy.


The first thing we have to understand is, that these concepts do not refer to a property of something like green refers to the property of an apple. 


These concepts refer to the relations between humans. Freedom and democracy were closely linked together in Ancient Greece because the Greeks saw democracy as THE weapon against slavery.


However, historically, the overall relationship between humans became one of a ruler, tyrant, king, or emperor at the top, then a layer of elites that controlled everything, and then the masses.


It took Europe almost 2000 years to get rid of this hierarchical structure of society and undo all forms of absolutism. 


It is 1776 and humans begin to claim that the government has to be based on the will of the people so that the people no longer is a slave of a ruling class.


The floodgates of the revolution were opened and the claim to honor the will of the people and its freedom became the central theme.


At this point, freedom and democracy became two separate themes. Freedom became the idea that every individual should have the right to live his own life enjoying his own private property.


Democracy became the big question of how and to what extent to give the masses, the people access to governing. The world was no longer the size of a city-state.


The population of Europe had doubled in a century from 240 to 490 million people. If democracy is the relationship between humans, how do you organize these relations in large populations?


We already have seen all kinds of voting rights, which had to end up in a claim for universal suffrage. But as I said before, the gentry of the 20th century wasn't the ancient nobility.


It had become the rich and owners of the factories, which exploited the workers. The result was a new look at democracy.


To protect your freedom to live your life and enjoy your private property, democracy as political influence no longer was adequate. Democracy had to be extended from the political to the economical domain.


Socialism that started to play an important role around 1910 can be characterized as follows: if people wanted to become truly autonomous, truly free, they had to have the means to act, to be free. 


This meant that they should all be given an equal share of political power so that no one had to stand in the shadow of another. 


But this also meant that everyone should have an equal share in the management of the means of production, 


so that no one has to depend on another for his livelihood so that no one is obliged to surrender even part of his labor or his freedom to people, which control the productive forces. 


In short, the motto of socialism was "ni roi, ni capitalism" (neither king nor capitalism), a motto of the French socialists at the time.


This meant considerable control over the economical processes in a country by the government.


This was problematic for the laissez-faire liberals, who promoted the idea of a small government, but the more people got voting rights, the more political power moved to the lower social classes.


As  a consequence, the European liberals in France, Germany and England, among others had to review their ideology. Some care from the government for the working classes had to be accepted.


And here we see the start of the still-raging battle between liberalism and socialism, or actually about the question regarding the relations between people in this world,


the universal question: How willing are you to show solidarity with your fellow man and how much are you willing to share.


Thank you for your attention....


Main Sources:

MacMillan The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2nd edition

Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 1995
Annelien de Dijn: "Freedom. An unruly history".  2020

TABLE OF CONTENT -----------------------------------------------------------------  

  1 - 100 Philosophers                         9 May 2009  Start of

  2 - 25+ Women Philosophers                       10 May 2009  this blog

  3 - 25 Adventures in Thinking                       10 May 2009

  4 - Modern Theories of Ethics                       29 Oct  2009

  5 - The Ideal State                                               24 Febr 2010   /   234

  6 - The Mystery of the Brain                                  3 Sept 2010   /   266

  7 - The Utopia of the Free Market                       16 Febr 2012    /   383

  8. - The Aftermath of Neo-liberalism                      5 Sept 2012   /   413

  9. - The Art Not to Be an Egoist                             6 Nov  2012   /   426                        

10  - Non-Western Philosophy                               29 May 2013    /   477

11  -  Why Science is Right                                      2 Sept 2014   /   534      

12  - A Philosopher looks at Atheism                        1 Jan  2015   /   557

13  - EVIL, a philosophical investigation                 17 Apr  2015   /   580                

14  - Existentialism and Free Will                             2 Sept 2015   /   586         

15 - Spinoza                                                             2 Sept 2016   /   615

16 - The Meaning of Life                                        13 Febr 2017   /   637

17 - In Search of  my Self                                        6 Sept 2017   /   670

18 - The 20th Century Revisited                              3 Apr  2018    /   706

19 - The Pessimist                                                  11 Jan 2020    /   819

20 - The Optimist                                                     9 Febr 2020   /   824

21 - Awakening from a Neoliberal Dream                8 Oct  2020   /   872

22 - A World Full of Patterns                                    1 Apr 2021    /   912

23 - The Concept of Freedom                                  8 Jan 2022    /   965

The Discussion


[13:23] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): interesting

[13:23] herman Bergson: The picture is clear.....

[13:24] herman Bergson: When you want to share you need a government to help  to give to everyone what one needs

[13:24] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): if it is so clear why cannot it be settled

[13:24] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): a long debate

[13:24] herman Bergson: If you are pleading for a small government believing that everyone primarily can help himself then you see the difference of opinion emerge

[13:25] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): i see that

[13:25] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): we see it every day in usa

[13:25] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): the issue is there is always some power/money  hungry dude that has to destroy it all

[13:25] herman Bergson: But we are walking on three legs already in this matter....

[13:26] herman Bergson: it is no longer a question whether a governmet should help the individual citizen by redistributing wealth....

[13:26] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): and the number of people which is smaller than the those who want a large government to handle fairness to all is so much stronger

[13:26] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): sigh

[13:26] herman Bergson: We already do that ...for instance pensions

[13:26] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): nto here

[13:27] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): pensions are on teh decline

[13:27] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): 401K is the private answer to that

[13:27] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): ha

[13:27] herman Bergson: In the Netherlands every citizen gets a pension from the state when he is 67 or older

[13:27] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): nice

[13:27] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): many have pensions here

[13:27] herman Bergson: it is not higher than the minimum wage

[13:28] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): from their employers

[13:28] herman Bergson: But there is more.....

[13:28] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): on the decline

[13:28] oola Neruda whispers: I've been attending lectures on Russian History..... and they just it made everyone "equal

[13:28] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): swell

[13:28] oola Neruda: by taking away their hopes for a better life...

[13:28] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate) GIGGLES!!

[13:28] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): ...LOL...

[13:28] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): what is equal yes

[13:28] oola Neruda: everyone is THE SAME

[13:28] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): ah

[13:28] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): too much teh same

[13:28] herman Bergson: I was a teacher for 30 years and I paid a premium to a special fund....

[13:29] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): IRA here is a way of waving

[13:29] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): we did here too Herman

[13:29] herman Bergson: so I get the state pension plus a pension from the fund

[13:29] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): so get a pension from our state not national

[13:29] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): IRA is private savings

[13:30] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): which we will get when retired

[13:30] herman Bergson: Healthcare is the same issue...we are already socialists there....

[13:30] oola Neruda: took their land, their jobs.... etc... made them share TINY spaces as home and the children were taught the "proper" Russian things to do and say

[13:30] herman Bergson: with the police too, fire department, army....all socialist institutions ^_^

[13:31] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): here also they will get pensions from their state

[13:31] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): not national

[13:31] .: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): can you live from a pension Gemma?

[13:31] herman Bergson: around 1910 workers were treated like cattle and the started to oppose that exploitation

[13:31] .: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): is it enough?

[13:32] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): could i think but will not be sufficient for more than basic

[13:32] herman Bergson: In the US it may differ per state I guess

[13:32] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): to travel, do extra stuff

[13:32] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): need more

[13:32] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): that is why I have an IRA

[13:32] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): individual retirement

[13:32] .: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): ok

[13:33] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): saving with tax deduction now but will pay taxes when using

[13:33] herman Bergson: Like is quite common in the Netherlands for certain groups of workers

[13:33] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): several types of savings

[13:34] herman Bergson: when you are a small business and have to take a private IRA with an insurance is super expensive

[13:35] herman Bergson: But the socialism - liberalism has in fact become a debate about marfins, I'd say

[13:35] herman Bergson: Except in the US :-)

[13:36] herman Bergson: It looks like any suggestion to share something is trashed as socialist or communist

[13:36] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): especially health care here

[13:36] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate) GIGGLES!!

[13:36] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): ...LOL...

[13:36] herman Bergson: yes...a beautiful example....

[13:37] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): ridiculous

[13:37] herman Bergson: as if getting ill is a liberal and free choice and your own fault or responsability

[13:37] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): private insurance companies control it all

[13:37] herman Bergson: to  quote oola here: Follow the money :-)

[13:37] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): indeed

[13:38] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): ah yea

[13:38] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): always

[13:38] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): in US its all for their own

[13:38] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): in everything

[13:38] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): yep

[13:38] herman Bergson: Looks like it indeed

[13:38] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): no solidarity or care for others, just ME ME ME!

[13:38] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): where unions are strong it is working

[13:38] herman Bergson: Also with everyone his own gun

[13:39] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): the need for more unions is vital

[13:39] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): add to that too! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

[13:39] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): Biden knows that

[13:39] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): and supports the idea of more unions

[13:39] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): and Trump says the solution is MORE GUNS. give teachers guns and so and so

[13:39] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): groan!

[13:39] Nicholas Derwent (nicholasderwent) is online.

[13:39] herman Bergson: No Bejiita...DOORS....Bulletproof glass :-))

[13:40] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): sssssss

[13:40] herman Bergson: Armed guards at the door

[13:40] herman Bergson: THAT solves the problem

[13:40] oola Neruda: no recess in the school yard..... cameras at every door....

[13:40] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): i see a very sad image being painted

[13:40] herman Bergson: But I have a question.....

[13:40] oola Neruda: we already have the cameras in the last school i was in

[13:40] herman Bergson: If that should be the solution for schools....

[13:40] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): some places actually do use those methods with success

[13:41] herman Bergson: what about  restaurants stadiums, shops, churches parking lots Walmart...:-)

[13:41] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): right

[13:41] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): crazy

[13:42] .: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): or just every street?

[13:42] Nicholas Derwent (nicholasderwent) is offline.

[13:42] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): stadiums actually have people who check entry

[13:42] herman Bergson: Everywhere in the US steel doors, bulletproof glass armed guards and so on?

[13:42] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): the cameras i can agree on. Here In Sweden its the other way around though as the organistion "Datainspektionen" refuses to give permissions to cameras even outside stores referring to personal integrity

[13:42] herman Bergson: yes we have too Gemma

[13:42] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): rules about what to carry in

[13:42] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): etc

[13:42] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): and thus crimes continue outside the stores

[13:42] herman Bergson: yes

[13:42] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate) GIGGLES!!

[13:42] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): ...LOL...

[13:42] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): body pat downs i dont like

[13:43] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): some have a laser type check

[13:43] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): its a double edged sword that needs to be used right but used right it can stop crimes and destruction

[13:43] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): that is ok with me

[13:43] herman Bergson: But it brings us back to the question.....democracy and is about relations between people...

[13:43] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): true

[13:43] .: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): teach toddlers in kindergarten to use a gun

[13:43] oola Neruda: I've visited nursing homes with signs on the doors.... in open carry states.... no guns allowed inside...

[13:43] .: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): maybe they need it

[13:43] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): unions!!!!!

[13:43] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): ssss

[13:43] oola Neruda: do you think they just put the gun back in the car???

[13:43] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): aaa

[13:43] oola Neruda: hmmm

[13:43] herman Bergson: How will we shape these relations....politics is the debate about that question

[13:43] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): yes

[13:43] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): well shaping is needed for sure

[13:43] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): it is

[13:44] herman Bergson: We are actually already debating the present situation....

[13:44] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): and it takes more then me with a lathe, 3D printer and angle grinder to shape that

[13:44] herman Bergson: Like you say 'unions' Gemma.....

[13:44] oola Neruda: rural arias... pickup trucks with a gun in a gun rack in their back window

[13:45] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): ssss

[13:45] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): indeed

[13:45] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): those are a relationship of peo[le who are for the same things

[13:45] herman Bergson: in the early years of the 20th century socialism brought this into the debate...

[13:45] .: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): is it strange that I never have seen a gun in my life?

[13:45] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): oh i have

[13:45] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): in my face!!!!!!

[13:45] herman Bergson: holy cow

[13:45] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): yes

[13:46] herman Bergson: you were robbed Gemma?

[13:46] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): no

[13:46] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): i was teaching

[13:46] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): and took my 6th grade outside at dismissal

[13:46] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): was talking to a parent

[13:46] herman Bergson: an angry parent?

[13:46] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): when a fight started behind me

[13:47] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): i turned and there were older guys hitting two students with sticke

[13:47] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): wow

[13:47] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): i started toward them adn saw one kid holding a gun at me

[13:47] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): so stopped

[13:47] herman Bergson: my goodness

[13:47] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): they stopped at that point and took off

[13:47] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): omg

[13:47] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): yes

[13:47] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): was an experience

[13:47] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): ok

[13:47] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): (shudder)

[13:47] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): kids covered with blood

[13:47] herman Bergson: I can imagine...

[13:48] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): got them in

[13:48] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): police came

[13:48] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): oow

[13:48] oola Neruda: children in chicago sleep in the bathtub so that stray bullets don't kill them in their sleep

[13:48] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): they got some of them

[13:48] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): the next week i saw that kid who was holding the gun walking down the street

[13:48] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate) GIGGLES!!

[13:48] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): ...LOL...

[13:48] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): free

[13:48] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): SSSSSSS

[13:49] oola Neruda: yup

[13:49] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): well this is the reality indeed

[13:49] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): older guys get the younger kids to hold the guns because they do not get the rough treatment of the older ones

[13:49] herman Bergson: well...always something new....

[13:49] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): yep

[13:49] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): sssss

[13:49] herman Bergson: ok...

[13:49] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): well

[13:49] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): that was a few years ago and i survived

[13:49] oola Neruda: my experience is Chicago... which city were you

[13:50] herman Bergson: Let's prepare for the next lecture....

[13:50] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): in CT

[13:50] oola Neruda: ahhhh

[13:50] oola Neruda: yes

[13:50] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): ah next lecture

[13:50] herman Bergson: Might be the last one of this project....

[13:50] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): well thats what Chicago is known for indeed, would not fee safe there

[13:50] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): oki

[13:50] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): Thursday?

[13:50] herman Bergson: Thursday it is...:-)

[13:50] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): feel

[13:51] herman Bergson: So, thank you all again....

[13:51] herman Bergson: Class dismissed :-)

[13:51] .: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): Thank you Herman

[13:51] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): at least another good class

[13:51] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): is only certain areas of Chicago bej

[13:51] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): NOT the whole city

[13:51] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): with some more interesting conclusions

[13:51] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): but you can go to a small town in Texas as you saw

[13:51] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): and....

[13:51] herman Bergson: Even the dog wags its tail :-))

[13:52] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): hm

[13:52] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): or a small town in Connecticut

[13:52] Alejandra Loza 24c (kotori24c) is online.

[13:52] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): like Sandy Hook

[13:52] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): ah

[13:52] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): (hugs the dog)

[13:52] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): therapy dog

[13:52] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): aaa

[13:52] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): herman

[13:52] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): ♥ Thank Youuuuuuuuuu!! ♥

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

1008: Hello Socialism....

 While doing research for this lecture one question came up, which didn't know the answer.


After 1900 Marx's theories had found their way to a larger public and politics. We'll get to that in a minute.


The question that kept knocking on my skull was: why did socialism never reach America? On the contrary, it seems,


for what comes to mind is the hysterical McCarthy period in American history, as if communism was a deadly disease. 


And listen to Republican comments on Democrats even today as if they are a kind of monsters spreading socialism and communism.


Although I planned to discuss the socialist developments in Europe since 1900, I was too curious and typed my question in Google Search.


Tons of answers. Probably I wasn't the only one who wondered about this matter. I found an article by Seymour Martin Lipset (1922 - 2006). He was an American sociologist and political scientist.  (1922 - 2006).


In the article "Why Socialism Failed in the United States" (2000), he tells me things, which clarify a lot of American politics today too. Let me quote a few paragraphs


-BEGIN QUOTE- The question, why has there been no socialism in this country, addresses American exceptionalism. 


Why is the United States the only industrialized nation that never had an electorally viable socialist or labor party?


Every other developed country has had one to one degree or another. The fact that the U.S. has not, means that it is different from other countries. -END QUOTE-


Lipset wrote a book with the title " American Exceptionalism, A double-edged sword" (19xx), in which he says: 


"The nation's ideology can be described in five words: liberty, egalitarianism, individualism, populism, and laissez-faire."


-BEGIN QUOTE- There are many answers, but basically, two seem most important. The most salient interpretation is culture, involving assumptions 


that the American value system and the American concept of the nation are antistatist and egalitarian. It follows upon Tocqueville’s analysis of what America is about. 


Antistatism, the suspicion of the state in lawyers’ terms, has been a deep-rooted sentiment in American society ever since the Revolution and to some extent even before.  -END QUOTE-


Socialism leans heavily on control by the state, so this quote explains a lot. It also made me think of this almost morbid obsession of Americans with their guns.


Previously in a conversation, I remarked that violence and the use of force are a monopoly of the state, thence we have police and army.


But if anti-statism is a basic undercurrent in a culture, you can imagine that also the individual wants to have equal rights as the state.


Again to make my point... =BEGIN QUOTE- The Revolution was a revolt against a strong state. The founding fathers laid out a doctrine in the Declaration of Independence, 


which implied that the state is to be distrusted. And of course, they drew up a constitution designed to avoid a strong government. -END QUOTE-


A last quote, which struck me, because I must admit that Lipset has a point here:


-BEGIN QUOTE- Finally, I would note that American political exceptionalism is declining, not because of the growth of socialism here, 


but as a result of the European left moving in an American direction. The socialist, social democratic, and labor parties of Europe have become more like the American Democrats. -END QUOTE-


One final remark. Lipset may have been right in 2000, however, I wonder what he would have said today when you look at the political situation in the US of today.


Thank you for your attention.


Main Sources:

MacMillan The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2nd edition

Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 1995
Annelien de Dijn: "Freedom. An unruly history".  2020

TABLE OF CONTENT -----------------------------------------------------------------  

  1 - 100 Philosophers                         9 May 2009  Start of

  2 - 25+ Women Philosophers                       10 May 2009  this blog

  3 - 25 Adventures in Thinking                       10 May 2009

  4 - Modern Theories of Ethics                       29 Oct  2009

  5 - The Ideal State                                               24 Febr 2010   /   234

  6 - The Mystery of the Brain                                  3 Sept 2010   /   266

  7 - The Utopia of the Free Market                       16 Febr 2012    /   383

  8. - The Aftermath of Neo-liberalism                      5 Sept 2012   /   413

  9. - The Art Not to Be an Egoist                             6 Nov  2012   /   426                        

10  - Non-Western Philosophy                               29 May 2013    /   477

11  -  Why Science is Right                                      2 Sept 2014   /   534      

12  - A Philosopher looks at Atheism                        1 Jan  2015   /   557

13  - EVIL, a philosophical investigation                 17 Apr  2015   /   580                

14  - Existentialism and Free Will                             2 Sept 2015   /   586         

15 - Spinoza                                                             2 Sept 2016   /   615

16 - The Meaning of Life                                        13 Febr 2017   /   637

17 - In Search of  my Self                                        6 Sept 2017   /   670

18 - The 20th Century Revisited                              3 Apr  2018    /   706

19 - The Pessimist                                                  11 Jan 2020    /   819

20 - The Optimist                                                     9 Febr 2020   /   824

21 - Awakening from a Neoliberal Dream                8 Oct  2020   /   872

22 - A World Full of Patterns                                    1 Apr 2021    /   912

23 - The Concept of Freedom                                  8 Jan 2022    /   965

The Discussion


[13:13] herman Bergson: Well oola, can you relate to this story?

[13:13] Here you find the whole article:


[13:14] oola Neruda: i think one place to start is in the industrial revolution.... who is going to be in the most tight control of the money and rules about money

[13:14] oola Neruda: bribe the senators and other lawmakers

[13:14] oola Neruda: who ... many of them were the rich....

[13:15] oola Neruda: why share with the "heathens" and drifters.... get elected and protect your wealth

[13:15] herman Bergson: yes, but the point is that there were socialist initiatives in the US, but never got flesh on their bones eventually

[13:16] herman Bergson: Trade unions never joined forces with socialist parties in the US like happened in Europe

[13:17] oola Neruda: i am not a happy camper.... I believe that money in politics corrupts those who have it and makes it hard for those who do not know how to organize against is... particularly with lies flying around... like Fox...

[13:17] oola Neruda: fox news is not a new invention... it has been in solciety forever

[13:17] herman Bergson: I agree...the money matter in American politics, this fund raising is a mystery to me

[13:18] herman Bergson: Still don't understand the mechanics

[13:18] oola Neruda: many don't

[13:18] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): hmm

[13:18] Dien (djdien.bailey) is offline.

[13:18] oola Neruda: Report from Iron Mountain...

[13:19] herman Bergson: I just realized all of a sudden....there never was a real significant socialist party in the weird

[13:19] oola Neruda: is a book from the '60's... talks about rich people getting together to optimize their profits by manipulating government

[13:19] herman Bergson: But this deep rooted attitude against gig government is probably strong in the US

[13:20] oola Neruda: work together to undermine what would mess with their profits

[13:20] oola Neruda: propaganda takes care of the masses....

[13:20] herman Bergson: They managed to that pretty well, it seems

[13:21] oola Neruda: and a friendly "bonus" to the congress helps too

[13:21] herman Bergson: It is becoming clearer more and more the Putin does the same in Western democracies....

[13:21] oola Neruda: yes

[13:21] herman Bergson: getting together with destabilizing factions in western societies and fund them

[13:22] oola Neruda: exactly

[13:22] oola Neruda: this is just my opinion...

[13:22] herman Bergson: But that is a side track

[13:22] oola Neruda: others may say something else

[13:23] herman Bergson: Next lecture I'll talk about European socialism....

[13:23] herman Bergson: But Lipset is right....

[13:23] oola Neruda: can't let some else tell you how to make and spend your money... or to pay workers a living wage

[13:23] herman Bergson: Certainly after 1989 the fall of the Berlin Wall socialist parties went down the drain in Europe

[13:24] herman Bergson: They look indeed somewhat like the American Democrats these days

[13:24] herman Bergson: there is however one positive point to mention.....

[13:25] oola Neruda: you mentioned McCarthy

[13:25] oola Neruda: i remember coming home from school in 7th grade, turning on the radio and they were having the hearings...

[13:25] herman Bergson: in the period 1900 - 1970 most European countries drafted social welfare laws....universal healthcare, and things like that

[13:26] oola Neruda: also, when in college, met some of the women in Wisconsin who brought hime down

[13:26] oola Neruda: him

[13:26] herman Bergson: although the socialist parties are decimated these still is their legacy

[13:26] oola Neruda: yes

[13:27] herman Bergson: McCarthy was a disaster.....

[13:27] herman Bergson: The Republican party is again collecting such they are Boeberd, Taylor Green Ted Cruz....

[13:27] oola Neruda: he is still considered BAD

[13:28] oola Neruda: yes

[13:28] herman Bergson: But what I learnt today is why Americans love their guns....

[13:28] herman Bergson: It is because they distrust their own state

[13:28] oola Neruda: Senator Whitehouse called the Senate... the House of Mammon

[13:29] oola Neruda: basically referring to bribes from lobbyists

[13:29] herman Bergson: About 40% of the Americans do, so arm yourself

[13:30] herman Bergson: In Europe you find this "Distrust your government" mainly among small right wing groups

[13:31] oola Neruda: when i was teaching in Chicago... i became really aware of the role of guns.... in neighborhoods yes... but in schools especially

[13:31] oola Neruda: would even shoot firemen... not just cops or gang members

[13:33] herman Bergson: Well, this was a lesson on the absence of socialism instead of the rise of socialism :-)

[13:33] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): Malmö in Sweden was a while refered to as "Little Chicago" because of all the drug related violence . Even bombs were sset off. Now its become calmer there it seems though a while since i heard something from there

[13:34] herman Bergson: We'll address that next Tuesday :-)

[13:34] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): but when a city name gets synonymopus with violence and murder its not a good sign

[13:35] herman Bergson: No, indeed Bejiita

[13:35] herman Bergson: If no questions are left unanswered, thank you , oola and others:-)

[13:35] .: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): Thank you Herman

[13:36] oola Neruda: if i may say

[13:36] herman Bergson: Get ready for a pleasant and sunny weekend....

[13:36] herman Bergson: Class dismissed...