Eventually, I asked the question: "Is accepting the existence of emergent properties contradictory to physicalism? The answer was: "Accepting the existence of emergent properties is not contradictory to physicalism."
Phew.... at least that. Let me explain what I have been doing. In the debate after the previous lecture, Max brought up the issue of supervenience and emergence. An important question, so I decided to dig into it.
I began a chat with BING of Microsoft. About that later. I immediately moved on to BARD, which helped me out. We are discussing materialism and it is unavoidable: we run into the problem of the mind and its existence.
First of all, we have to understand the basic structure of our thinking about reality: we observe things and say....that object is green, that object is hollow ...etc. We call these adjectives names for properties of the object.
No rocket science here. Conclusion: objects have properties. So, the physical object named homo sapiens has properties too and one of his main properties is consciousness.
And here go the philosophers into action: what is the ontological status of a property? Are all properties of an object of the same kind? Questions like that. By the way, I love such questions. Never take anything for granted.....
Here it gets interesting because there really are different kinds of properties, that is, if you look at it rationally you have to concede that this is the case. By the way... being rational is also one of our properties as human beings.
But ok, what have we got? The nature of properties is complex and controversial in philosophy, and there is no single theory of properties that is universally accepted, but yet we can state a few rather indisputable properties of properties.
Keep an eye on what we are after: consciousness is a property of human beings and we want to understand what that means within a materialist ontology.
Here I began milking my AI cows: What kinds of properties are there? and I got quite nice answers. In the first place I got a not exhaustive list, in the second place keep ontology in mind, that is, keep asking the question: does this really exist?
So, thus prepared, here we go: Essential properties: These are properties that are necessary for an object to exist. For example, the property of being a human being is essential to being a human being.
That's ok, but now, take this statement of BRAD: "The essence of the property of being a human being is rationality. A human being without rationality would not be a human being at all."
WOW! Does this mean that all mentally disabled or handicapped people are not human beings and who tells me what rationality exactly means? If I say to you, you aren't rational, or believing in any religion is proof of irrationality...pretty cool such a line of thinking....omg!
Let's continue: Accidental properties: These are properties that are not necessary for an object to exist. For example, the color of my hair is an accidental property. I could dye my hair any color, and I would still be the same person.
Let's add a third one: Mental properties: These are properties that cannot be explained in terms of the physical laws of the universe. For example, the property of being conscious is a mental property. It is not clear how consciousness can be explained in terms of physical laws.
So far we have essential, accidental, and mental properties. They all can apply to homo sapiens and the big question, brought up by Max is, if we talk about consciousness, is it a supervenient or an emergent property of a human being and what does this mean in an ontological sense.......?
I'd say...to be continued. Thank you all again for your attention.
Main Sources:
MacMillan The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2nd edition
TABLE OF CONTENT -----------------------------------------------------------------
1 - 100 Philosophers 9 May 2009 Start of
2 - 25+ Women Philosophers 10 May 2009 this blog
3 - 25 Adventures in Thinking 10 May 2009
4 - Modern Theories of Ethics 29 Oct 2009
5 - The Ideal State 24 Febr 2010 / 234
6 - The Mystery of the Brain 3 Sept 2010 / 266
7 - The Utopia of the Free Market 16 Febr 2012 / 383
8. - The Aftermath of Neo-liberalism 5 Sept 2012 / 413
9. - The Art Not to Be an Egoist 6 Nov 2012 / 426
10 - Non-Western Philosophy 29 May 2013 / 477
11 - Why Science is Right 2 Sept 2014 / 534
12 - A Philosopher looks at Atheism 1 Jan 2015 / 557
13 - EVIL, a philosophical investigation 17 Apr 2015 / 580
14 - Existentialism and Free Will 2 Sept 2015 / 586
15 - Spinoza 2 Sept 2016 / 615
16 - The Meaning of Life 13 Febr 2017 / 637
17 - In Search of my Self 6 Sept 2017 / 670
18 - The 20th Century Revisited 3 Apr 2018 / 706
19 - The Pessimist 11 Jan 2020 / 819
20 - The Optimist 9 Febr 2020 / 824
21 - Awakening from a Neoliberal Dream 8 Oct 2020 / 872
22 - A World Full of Patterns 1 Apr 2021 / 912
23 - The Concept of Freedom 8 Jan 2022 / 965
24 - Materialism 7 Sept 2022 / 1011
The Discussion
[13:19] herman Bergson grins and enjoys the cliffhanger
[13:19] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): Not all mentally ill have no rationality
[13:19] .: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): few
[13:19] .: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): pfew
[13:19] Max Chatnoir: Thank you so much, Herman. You have just raised another question, which I will just state without further pursuit.
[13:19] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): so still human
[13:20] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): ohoh
[13:20] herman Bergson: Go ahead Max, please
[13:20] Max Chatnoir: Does a human cease to be human when he or she behaves irrationally?
[13:20] herman Bergson: Oh wait....
[13:20] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): bard will tell you
[13:20] Max Chatnoir: Go for it!
[13:21] herman Bergson: That statement about the relation between being rational and being human was a shocking statement of AI tool BARD
[13:21] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): Humans are still human when they act irrationally. Rationality is not a defining characteristic of humanity. Humans are complex creatures who are capable of both rational and irrational behavior.
[13:21] herman Bergson: One, it is a siplistic definition of being human
[13:22] herman Bergson: Of course Gemma
[13:22] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): that is a quote from bard
[13:22] Max Chatnoir: So humans are capable of rationality, but need not exercise it at all times?
[13:22] herman Bergson: A baby is totally irrational....so not human ???????
[13:22] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): or maybe cannot
[13:22] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): ptsd
[13:22] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): crisis
[13:22] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): war
[13:23] Max Chatnoir: What a relief!
[13:23] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): so many reasons for being irrational
[13:23] herman Bergson: Rationality is just one of the properties of human beings
[13:23] Max Chatnoir: Would you like to see what Chat GPT said about supervenience and emergence?
[13:23] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): ahha
[13:23] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): bejita
[13:23] herman Bergson: But it is not the defining property for being a human being....I'd prefer self awareness
[13:23] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): puh, got dragged out on TURF
[13:23] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): yes mas
[13:23] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): max
[13:23] Max Chatnoir: Hello, Bejita!
[13:23] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): i cannot access that
[13:23] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): made it finally
[13:23] Max Chatnoir: OK, here it is:
[13:24] herman Bergson: Hi Bejiita....we thought already that you were out turfing :-)
[13:24] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): right
[13:24] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): i told my friend i wanted tobe home at 10 but dragged over a little
[13:25] Max Chatnoir: Sorry, I can't copy and paste the whole thing at once.
[13:25] Max Chatnoir: I'll do it in bits.
[13:25] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): ah
[13:25] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): better
[13:25] herman Bergson: No no Max don't do that
[13:25] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate) whispers: maybe a notecard?
[13:26] Max Chatnoir: Notecarcd! Great idea!
[13:26] bergfrau Apfelbaum: sent bejiita the chat
[13:26] Max Chatnoir: Hold on!
[13:26] herman Bergson: We'll discuss ChatGPT in the next lecture
[13:26] herman Bergson: I have got the answer too
[13:26] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): aaa reading through now
[13:26] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): ah ok
[13:26] herman Bergson: it is a huge subject
[13:27] herman Bergson: supervenience vs emergence
[13:27] herman Bergson: we need time to digest this properly
[13:27] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): since the beginning of this class I have learned that every question and answer leads to another question always
[13:27] Max Chatnoir: Shall I just give it to everybody?
[13:27] herman Bergson: And that is a good thing Gemma....
[13:27] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): right
[13:27] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): there
[13:28] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate) GIGGLES!!
[13:28] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): ...LOL...
[13:28] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): alll the different themes over the years
[13:28] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): hmm interesting stuff for sure
[13:28] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): ㋡
[13:28] herman Bergson: The trouble begins when people stop asking questions and start to believe in their own truth
[13:28] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): nice
[13:28] Max Chatnoir: Did everybody get it?
[13:28] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): yep
[13:28] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): ♥ Thank Youuuuuuuuuu!! ♥
[13:28] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): homework
[13:28] .: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): yes thankyou
[13:28] Max Chatnoir: You are very welcome!
[13:28] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): indeed there are both retional and irrational people but they are all human nontheless
[13:28] Max Chatnoir: Anybody not get it?
[13:29] bergfrau Apfelbaum: ty for the nc Max
[13:29] herman Bergson: yes, thnx Max
[13:29] herman Bergson: A side track....BING
[13:29] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): ha
[13:29] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): i like bard best
[13:29] Max Chatnoir: What was most useful to me was the idea that any change at the higher lever properties must rest on a change in the lower level properties.
[13:29] herman Bergson: The new Microsoft AI competitor of BARD and ChartGPT
[13:30] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate) GIGGLES!!
[13:30] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): ...LOL...
[13:30] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): Bard wins
[13:30] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): ㋡
[13:30] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): Bard seems great
[13:30] herman Bergson: I already hate BING...and let me tell you why
[13:30] Max Chatnoir: If I learn something or change my mind or feel sad or something, then there is physical stuff going on in the cells.
[13:30] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): oh yes
[13:30] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): absolutely
[13:30] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): amazing to think
[13:30] Max Chatnoir: Biochemical changes or neurological changes.
[13:31] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): need to try it out, its released now in europe as i get it. there was some ruleset it had to comply with i read in EU before it got released here about integrity
[13:31] Max Chatnoir: And that makes perfect sense to me.
[13:31] herman Bergson: slow down Max :-))
[13:31] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): me too
[13:31] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): indeed Max
[13:31] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): all is electrical signals and chemistry more or less in the end
[13:31] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): as i understand,,
[13:31] herman Bergson: otherwise we have two lines of discussion
[13:32] Max Chatnoir: Even if we don't know what it is.
[13:33] herman Bergson: We'll get back to that Max...definitely
[13:33] herman Bergson: But I wanted to tell something about my interaction with BING
[13:33] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): oh yes
[13:33] Max Chatnoir: Oh, yes please!
[13:33] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): please
[13:33] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate) GIGGLES!!
[13:33] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): ...LOL...
[13:33] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): twins
[13:33] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): aaa ㋡
[13:33] Max Chatnoir: LOL
[13:34] Max Chatnoir: Need to compare chemistries!
[13:34] herman Bergson: well...I made a prompt: Write an essay .....etc...about.....
[13:34] herman Bergson: as an answer I got a long list of what you can use when writing an essay on a given subject...
[13:35] herman Bergson: That was not what I asked for so I refined my propmpt
[13:35] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): ee no
[13:35] herman Bergson: YOU write an essy on......etc....
[13:35] herman Bergson: Well..then BING showed its true nature...!
[13:35] Max Chatnoir: ....bated breath...
[13:36] herman Bergson: I got the answer.... I am sorry I am an AI tool and it would be cheating and unethical if I would write the essay....!
[13:36] Max Chatnoir: OMG!
[13:36] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): SHEEESH!
[13:37] Max Chatnoir: Somebody has been chatting to AI!
[13:37] herman Bergson: I asked BARD the same thing and it just di what I asked for
[13:37] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): it don't understand your question at all it seems3,
[13:37] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): or
[13:37] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): well
[13:37] herman Bergson: BING was teaching me ethics!!!
[13:37] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): Well that it did fir sure
[13:37] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): aaa ok
[13:38] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): i see
[13:38] Max Chatnoir: I've never had Chat GPT go astray like that. But I've only been using it for a couple of weeks!
[13:38] Max Chatnoir: Do you think it is learning/
[13:38] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): that is what the EU is talking bout
[13:38] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): very interesting
[13:38] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): yep
[13:38] herman Bergson: But just think about it....the stupid AI thing didn't has any understanding of what I need that essay for
[13:38] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): true
[13:38] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): talking about in their prospective rules
[13:38] herman Bergson: So how can it claim that I ask for something unethical?
[13:38] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): preventing theft for example students
[13:39] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): cheeting
[13:39] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): cheating
[13:39] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): etc
[13:39] Max Chatnoir: Yes, it can't know the context.
[13:39] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): because it have been progrmmed not to hep with cheating ect and how to detect it
[13:39] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): i guess
[13:39] herman Bergson: yes yes...I know how AI can be used....
[13:39] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): and the us congress is thinking also along that way
[13:39] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): rephrase the question
[13:39] herman Bergson: The AI can not KNOW if I am intending to cheat
[13:39] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate) GIGGLES!!
[13:39] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): ...LOL...
[13:39] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): we know
[13:39] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): like how youtubers scream everywhere THIS IS THE END OF ALL ARTISTS AND CREATORS!
[13:40] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): at leasst we hope
[13:40] herman Bergson: so it has no right to be judgemental about my question
[13:40] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): cause now u can just generate it with AI
[13:40] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): no but it is evidently getting ready for new rules
[13:40] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): all over the world
[13:40] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): ah
[13:40] Max Chatnoir: One thing I've noticed about Chat GPT is that it's not always reliable.
[13:40] herman Bergson: Yet I found it a very funny and interesting response of an AI tool
[13:41] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): i have seen people say that
[13:41] Max Chatnoir: It told me the other day that gray parrot males have ZW karyotypes.
[13:41] herman Bergson: No no Max NOT AT ALL!!
[13:41] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): wow
[13:41] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate) GIGGLES!!
[13:41] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): ...LOL...
[13:41] herman Bergson: Nor is BARD
[13:41] Max Chatnoir: I asked it for documentation and it apologized!
[13:41] herman Bergson: take this : A human being without rationality would not be a human being at all. BARD said
[13:42] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): they are all getting better with every question\
[13:42] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): more data\
[13:42] herman Bergson: jawdropping....
[13:42] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): one thing it cant cope with however is graphical code tools like Unreal Engine blueprints
[13:42] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): not yet
[13:42] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): cause then it needs to be able to generate screenshots from that very system while ordinary code is just plain text
[13:43] herman Bergson: And what are ZW karyotypes. Max????
[13:43] Max Chatnoir: They have sex chromosomes.
[13:43] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): good for them
[13:43] herman Bergson: Ok...so parrots are sexy ? :-))
[13:43] Max Chatnoir: Humans have X and Y. Females are XX, and males are XY.
[13:43] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): hehe
[13:43] Max Chatnoir: Birds go the other way.
[13:44] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): i have to ask why the heck were you asking that anyway Max
[13:44] Max Chatnoir: Totally different chromosomes, Z and W. ZZ males ZW females.
[13:44] herman Bergson: lol
[13:44] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): ㋡
[13:44] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): that was a terrible mistake then
[13:44] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): haha
[13:44] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): ok
[13:44] Max Chatnoir: I've been working on a presentation about sex chromosomes and I was seeing what CG would say about it.
[13:44] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): ahhha nice
[13:45] herman Bergson: What else would you ask when you love your parrot, Gemma? :-)
[13:45] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): ok
[13:45] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): aaa I see
[13:45] Max Chatnoir: If it's anything complex, it can make mistakes.
[13:45] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): exactly
[13:45] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): at least it apologized
[13:45] Max Chatnoir: Like it said that platypuses have two kinds of X and one kind of Y. Platypuses have 5 kinds of each.
[13:45] herman Bergson: I can help you here Max..!
[13:45] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): same with code, I tried with unity C#, it generates code but its VERY generic
[13:45] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): as soon u make special cases it fails
[13:45] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): wow
[13:45] Rebecca (rebecca.rozen) is online.
[13:45] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): for your own solutions
[13:46] Max Chatnoir: But I have to say, I have learned a LOT about sex chromosomes conversing with Chat GPT.
[13:46] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): will check our hummers bergie
[13:46] herman Bergson: when you offer ChatGPT some arithmatic problem....often the outcome it givees is false
[13:46] herman Bergson: What you have to do is to offer ChatGPT a role....
[13:46] Max Chatnoir: I don't think it's deliberately lying. I think it is easily confused.
[13:46] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): ah
[13:46] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): the female can hold sperm somewhere for more babies
[13:47] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): it can only go by what is out there and is mostly common
[13:47] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): Olive had three clutches on that
[13:47] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): we think
[13:47] herman Bergson: In your prompt you say: You are a marvelous mathematician that can solve any problem....and this is my problem XXX Solve it
[13:47] herman Bergson: Then you get the correct answer
[13:47] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): aaaa yes i heard bout that
[13:47] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): getting over friendly aren't you ?
[13:47] Max Chatnoir: No kidding!
[13:47] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): really interesting
[13:47] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): yes
[13:47] herman Bergson: So when you say: You are a skilled ornithologist and.......
[13:48] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): ill tell it to be a programmer and try the Unity stuff again maybee
[13:48] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): see if it gets less generic
[13:48] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): try it
[13:48] Max Chatnoir: I will try that!
[13:48] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): bej
[13:48] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): time to experiment!
[13:48] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): this can be fun and interesting
[13:48] herman Bergson: I have seen this example in a Youtube clip about creating perfect prompts
[13:48] Max Chatnoir: One thing about Chat GPT is that if you ask the same question more than once, the answer changes.
[13:49] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): ok
[13:49] herman Bergson: yes, Bard offers even several drafts next to a final answer
[13:49] Max Chatnoir: I guess that it's programmed to treat a repeat question as dissatisfaction.
[13:49] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): maybee
[13:50] Max Chatnoir: But I only asked it once about supervenience and emergence.
[13:50] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): or it just does a random search every time among the data it has
[13:50] herman Bergson: well...you can continue a session with remarks...specify on that or....tell me more ,,,without repeating you first prompt
[13:50] Max Chatnoir: Chat GPT says it has a fixed database ending in 2021.
[13:50] herman Bergson: yes...true
[13:51] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): i guess to not be involved with Putins war
[13:51] herman Bergson: But I get answers including....some philosophers bla bla....
[13:51] herman Bergson: then I ask...which philosophers do you mean...
[13:51] herman Bergson: saves tons of time on research
[13:51] Max Chatnoir: Did it tell you?
[13:51] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): but then any further development of the ai will be impossible cause no new data can be added ever
[13:51] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): past 2021
[13:52] Max Chatnoir: Oh, I suspect they will update the database periodically.
[13:52] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): they have to
[13:52] herman Bergson: Take this lecture about properties.....
[13:52] herman Bergson: A debated theme...
[13:52] herman Bergson: BARD says...some important properties are....
[13:53] herman Bergson: then I say...what more propertuies are there....
[13:53] herman Bergson: and it gives me a list
[13:53] herman Bergson: I ask...is the list exhaustive...
[13:53] herman Bergson: and so on...
[13:53] herman Bergson: terrific
[13:53] Max Chatnoir: The interesting thing is that by checking up on the Chat GPT, I have learned a lot of stuff!
[13:54] herman Bergson: For instance....give me a list of emergent properties...
[13:54] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): well it seem to work well in general for sure
[13:54] Guestboook van tipjar stand: Gemma Cleanslate donated L$100. Thank you very much, it is much appreciated!
[13:54] herman Bergson: Before you go Gemma :-)
[13:54] herman Bergson: Tomorrow I'lll leave for the Island...
[13:54] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): nice
[13:54] herman Bergson: Will be on vacation for two weeks
[13:55] herman Bergson: so coming week and the week after no class
[13:55] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): go to Shier for a while can be nice indeed
[13:55] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): yay
[13:55] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate) GIGGLES!!
[13:55] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): ...LOL...
[13:55] Max Chatnoir: have a great time! We'll miss you, but you deserve a break!
[13:55] herman Bergson: I'll resume however from July 1
[13:55] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): great
[13:55] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): hope the weather is good
[13:55] herman Bergson: coming week looks perfect
[13:55] bergfrau Apfelbaum: yay Herman island-vacation
[13:55] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): ㋡
[13:55] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): great
[13:56] herman Bergson: Writing in the sand Bergie ^_*
[13:56] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): andn almost summer break too
[13:56] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): indeed, here also
[13:56] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): and sl20b
[13:56] bergfrau Apfelbaum: :-)
[13:56] herman Bergson: I will continue in July for one or two weeks then summer break :-)
[13:56] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): ok
[13:56] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): soon time for that big dance battle again over here that I do every year to start my vacation, The City Festival everything is ready
[13:56] herman Bergson: Yes that exhibition....
[13:57] herman Bergson: When does that start?
[13:57] bergfrau Apfelbaum: ah yes the bd20
[13:57] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): starting my vacation with the usual blast
[13:57] bergfrau Apfelbaum: gifts! Beertje
[13:57] bergfrau Apfelbaum: lol
[13:57] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): builds are great bergie
[13:57] .: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): yay
[13:57] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): ok
[13:57] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): yes
[13:57] Max Chatnoir: Thanks so much extending for the class, Herman, I really enjoyed the discussion.
[13:57] herman Bergson: I am all set overthere :-)
[13:57] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): ♥ Thank Youuuuuuuuuu!! ♥
[13:57] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): yes
[13:57] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): exhibitions are nice also
[13:57] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): hope you do not get a notice re anything
[13:58] herman Bergson: You're welcome Max
[13:58] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): needs to be corrected
[13:58] bergfrau Apfelbaum: yes?? i am curious about everything
[13:58] herman Bergson: Love your participation
[13:58] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): ♥ Thank Youuuuuuuuuu!! ♥
[13:58] herman Bergson: Are there complaints about my exhibition Gemma???????
[13:58] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): i dont know
[13:58] herman Bergson: phew...ok
[13:59] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): you submitted the finished form right?
[13:59] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): the moles do the checking
[13:59] herman Bergson: oh....don't know
[13:59] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): OMG!!!
[13:59] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): omg
[13:59] Max Chatnoir: do you have a LM for the exhibition?
[13:59] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): you did submit?
[13:59] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): they will send a notice if there is
[14:00] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): but they are working more slowly this year i think because there is so much time til the opening
[14:00] herman Bergson: I havent got any message
[14:00] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): that is why
[14:00] Gemma (gemma.cleanslate): i will go take a look
[14:00] herman Bergson: ok:-)
[14:01] herman Bergson: Well thank you all again....
[14:01] herman Bergson: A lot to think about....
[14:01] herman Bergson: Class dismissed...
[14:01] .: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): Thank you Herman
[14:01] bergfrau Apfelbaum: thank you HerBARD Bergson and class!
[14:01] bergfrau Apfelbaum: :-)
[14:01] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): hahaha his new name
[14:02] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): Herbard
[14:02] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): lol
[14:02] bergfrau Apfelbaum: grins
[14:02] Particle Physicist Bejiita (bejiita.imako): ㋡