Tuesday, March 3, 2015

569: Does god exist?

Harvard neuroscientist Peter Ulric Tse in  his new book “The Neural Basis of Free Will” (2013) :Why has philosophy been unable to make substantial progress in solving the mind–body problem? 
The root of philosophy’s impasse is that its main tools—logical argumentation, “thought experiments,” “intuition pumps,” and persuasion—are inadequate to the task.
By themselves, these tools are incapable of settling basic debates between scholars with conflicting views rooted in incompatible starting assumptions.”
He is right there. As Bertand Russell already remarked in  “The Problems of Philosophy” (2012), if you ask a scientist about truths ascertained by his science, he’ll give you a long list.
“But if you put the same question to a philosopher, he will, if he is candid, have to confess that his study has not achieved positive results such as have been achieved by other sciences.”
However, “…to a great extent, the uncertainty of philosophy is more apparent than real: those questions which are already capable of definite answers are placed in the sciences, 
while those only to which, at present, no definite answer can be given, remain to form the residue which is called philosophy.”
As Tse continues:”Science, in contrast, has nature to falsify theories and models, and the scientific method of experimentation and model-correction/
abandonment that forces scientists to stand on the shoulders of giants. Whether or not scientists concede that they were wrong does not matter in the long run. 
Nature forces their concessions. Scientists who dogmatically maintain a position despite concrete evidence to the contrary are left behind. (…)
Science makes astonishing progress year after year, whereas philosophy makes slow progress over centuries (…)
because debates can be objectively settled in science but cannot be objectively settled in philosophy.”
This is an interesting attitude regarding the meaning of science and philosophy, but it didn’t help him to solve the mind - body question.
Consciousness seems to be as elusive as god in the philosophical discourse. Just imagine, that we had scientific proof of the existence of god.
Since the very beginning a number of philosophers have tried to proof the existence of god. There is one drawback.
They spent all their philosophical power on attempts to proof only one type of god, the god of christianity. That is, that is the god our atheists fight against in particular.
So, arguments for and against the existence of God have been proposed by philosophers, theologians, scientists, and others for thousands of years. 
In philosophical terms, such arguments involve primarily the disciplines of epistemology (the nature and scope of knowledge) 
and ontology (study of the nature of being, existence, or reality) and also the theory of value, since concepts of perfection are connected to notions of God. 
The hottest item here is of course the concept of existence. Let’s start with taking the epistemological route.
Our way of describing reality is by referring to some object, e.g. my car and attribute to it all kinds of properties: blue, old fashioned model, seriously dented, and so on.
Thus our language structures our reality as a set of objects or state of affairs, which have properties. Because of properties we can tell the difference between a car and a bike.
And here the philosophical problems begin. Is ‘existence’ just like ‘old fashioned’ or ‘dented’ a property of my car?
Or think about this….can there BE a car, say, my car, which lacks this property of “existence”?? 
Now, look at my car. When I say to you “Yes, my car exists!” you might be puzzled. “What are you telling me…there it is,  old fashioned and dented…I see it?!”
I frown. The sentence “The car is old fashioned” and “The car exists” have the same form: they both attribute an property to an individual object.
But indeed, the statement “The car exists” doesn’t add a thing to my car. But suppose you say, while looking at my car “That car does not exist”.
Does that mean that some property is absent? We really need another lecture to figure this out….^_^
Thank you….. the floor is yours…:-)

The Discussion

Corona Anatine: is this not an aspect of language
Max Chatnoir: So if everybody sees your car but you, which of you doesn't exist?
Bejiita Imako: hmmm now it gets complicated!
Bejiita Imako: hehe
herman Bergson: That is not what I really meant Max....
Corona Anatine: also there are several aspects to the concept 'exists'
Max Chatnoir: Sorry, I was being frivolous.
Corona Anatine: exsits at waht level of conceptual thought
Max Chatnoir: Existence seems to need some aspect of interobserver reliability.
herman Bergson: What I menat was the idea...can there be objects which you can describe by their attributes but lack the atttribute "existence":-)
Ciska Riverstone: your car on the tv screen?
Max Chatnoir: It seems that you have to have existence to HAVE attributes.
Corona Anatine: it is safe to say that there is an indepentent reality of some form which encapsulates 'existence '  regradless of what that true reality actually is 
herman Bergson: or..in other words...does the attribute "existence" really says something about an object
Bejiita Imako: well thats one thing, if you describe the picture of the car as properties of the colors in the screen
Bejiita Imako: then i guess it could work
Max Chatnoir: On the other hand, unicorns have attributes, but don't exist.
Max Chatnoir: at least I don't think they do.
Max Chatnoir: So I guess what I said was wrong.
herman Bergson: Yes MAx....
herman Bergson: Let me put it this way...
Bejiita Imako: aaa yes, fantasy objects is one thing
Corona Anatine: the modern of unicorns,  that we cant easily identify which one doe snot matter]
herman Bergson: Corona came in as an ignosticist...:-)
Corona Anatine: oh the bible has nothing to do with 'god'
herman Bergson: one of the points of ignosticism is that it demands clear definitions of concepts...
Max Chatnoir: But fantasy objects have attributes that allow identification of the object.
Corona Anatine: yes indeed
Bejiita Imako: same goes for me, Im a saiyan, saiyans exist only as a property of different colors in manga books,
Max Chatnoir: So existence must be something other than an attribute.
herman Bergson: and one of the defining attributes of unicorn is that it has no physical existence
Bejiita Imako: but they are no physical real beings
Corona Anatine: not now perhaps but when the word was originally used it likely referred to a real species
herman Bergson: speculation Corona...
Max Chatnoir: I guess a negative attribute is an attribute.
Corona Anatine: that the meaning has shifted to = fantasy animal is not the original users fault
Bejiita Imako: so yes i guess you can have existence only by property in that way
herman Bergson: Max says existence must be something other than an attribute
herman Bergson: You also could say...
Ciska Riverstone: is existence in that context temporal?
Bejiita Imako: depend on how it is defined
herman Bergson: We should have a closer look at the statements which use the verb "exist"
Bejiita Imako: i guss
Bejiita Imako: guess
Barby Seda: physical attributes can be modified to form other attributes
Corona Anatine: non temporal existence would be a very strange state
herman Bergson: Are they really of the subject - predicate structure?
Max Chatnoir: So is God like a unicorn, which has more or less defined attributes, but maybe not existence?
herman Bergson: Will be the subject of our next lecture as I promised :-))
Bejiita Imako: now this can be interesting
Corona Anatine: did you mean the IPU just then max?
Bejiita Imako: existence only by property
herman Bergson: Max...it is green...small with big ears....and comes from Mars....:-)
Max Chatnoir: IPU?
Bejiita Imako: haha
Corona Anatine: invisible pink unicorn
Ciska Riverstone: in the moment i watch a film with herman’s car it might already been burried and no longer have the attribute of existence - does it still because its on film?
Bejiita Imako: or a way to old and therefore green of mold mars bar
herman Bergson: I can describe an individual in its properties....as you see
Bejiita Imako: lol
Bejiita Imako: ok
herman Bergson: you see a film Ciska, not a car...
Ciska Riverstone: yes - so the car has no existence any longer and the car in the film has the existence of pictures in a row
herman Bergson: I guess you all notice that this "attribute" existence behaves rather weird
Bejiita Imako: eeeh indeed
herman Bergson: indeed Ciska...
Bejiita Imako: never thought about it in this way
Corona Anatine: [ are we heading towards the concept of the 'holographic' universe?]
herman Bergson: It is rahter confusing indeed :-)
Ciska Riverstone: so there is no relation between the two in terms of existance?
Bejiita Imako: yes you can say
Bejiita Imako:
Max Chatnoir: What if you had a hard deist position that could prove that god exists but that nobody can communicate with him/her?
herman Bergson: No Ciska...a movie doesn’t prove that something exists ....
Corona Anatine: then just a word would have little value or point for humanity surely
herman Bergson: We habve tons of UFO movies for instance :-)
Corona Anatine: word=god
Ciska Riverstone: but are the car in the movie and the real car which no longer exists related or not?
Bejiita Imako: the thing is that you can also say fantasy creatures like unicorns are just myths and therefore not exist
Corona Anatine: if you include time in the concept then yes the car exists
herman Bergson: Related....I guess so yes....
Bejiita Imako: and then existence with only property become impossible
herman Bergson: one day it was in front of the camera
Ciska Riverstone: so the relation does not say anything about the existence.
Bejiita Imako: because then something need to actually exist for real to hold the properties
herman Bergson: It says everything about the properties of the car....color, shape and so on....
Corona Anatine: aslo cna we say with certainty that unicorns dont exist somewhere within a radius of 15 billion light years
herman Bergson: but you don’t record a property that you can point out to be existence
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): no need to have it in front of the camera it could be created in a 3d program
herman Bergson: It could indeed Beertje
Ciska Riverstone: so maybe existence is no property after all?
herman Bergson: PIXAR is a master in "creating" worlds
Max Chatnoir: It seems different somehow from other kinds of properties.
herman Bergson: Indeed Ciska.....
Bejiita Imako: i would say existence is a placeholder of different properties but properties alone im unsure of
herman Bergson: But yet we talk about thing, that they exist....so what do we mean then?
Bejiita Imako: in case of the 3d program you have existence in the form of the file that then holds properties
Bejiita Imako: without the file you have no properties
Corona Anatine: also are we referring to our own existence or just to external things
herman Bergson: You come close to modern ideas about the issue Bejiita!!!!
Bejiita Imako: this can get complicated for sure
Bejiita Imako: it depend on how you define existence
herman Bergson: You make me think of Descartes Corona....
Bejiita Imako: i d say
Corona Anatine: for sure
herman Bergson: He said...I think so I am....
herman Bergson: but this I am didn’t add anything to his I think....
herman Bergson: it was not en EXTRA ....
Bejiita Imako: however properties also exists by themselves, if it don’t exist there is nothing there whatever it is
Corona Anatine: and can thought be said to exist in any clear way - all that exists there is a flow of electric current
herman Bergson: He just could have said...I think...period...:-)
Bejiita Imako: red have to exist for it to be red at all
Bejiita Imako: or green
herman Bergson: Very good Bejiita.....you are almost close to Plato now :-))
Max Chatnoir: but you need a perceiver of redness.
Bejiita Imako: also we know that there only exist a small number of base colors and when they mix we get all other
Corona Anatine: thing is tho can attributes exist indepenent of the thing they are attributes of?
Corona Anatine: they are after all just descriptive labels
Bejiita Imako: yes thats also true, we se red cause our brain tell us that, in reality everything is pitch black, its only when the brain get the signals we see it as light
herman Bergson: That has been a philosophical issue indeed Corona...
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): if you mix all colors together you get white
Barby Seda: people suffering from Daltonism can't see the red color
herman Bergson: as I said...Plato discussed it
herman Bergson: As Aristotle did
Bejiita Imako: same with sound, its just vibration, its all insidethe brain
Bejiita Imako: without a listener all is quiet even at 120 db
herman Bergson: The main issue here is DOEs GOD EXIST.....
Corona Anatine: but colour has a definitive basis in the reflectivity of wavelength - the concept could be broadacst to aleins and be understood by them
herman Bergson: and as you now notice....
Max Chatnoir: I think you could have gods with different attributes.
herman Bergson: this "attribute" of existence behaves quite problematic in our way of describing reality
Max Chatnoir: without any of them existing.
Max Chatnoir: Like unicorns.
Bejiita Imako: the only way id know for god to exist would be as dark matter or energy since these 2 things are invisible and unmeasurable even they seem to exist
herman Bergson: We have tons of such gods Max....
Corona Anatine: yes the mental equivalent of sculpting water
herman Bergson: From Allah to Vishu....
herman Bergson: and Amon R to Zeus
Max Chatnoir: I wonder if monotheism is just increasing generalization of attributes?
Max Chatnoir: one size fits all.
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): i think God is someone like an unseen friend is for a child
Bejiita Imako: ah
herman Bergson: Well...it makes it easier, Max :-))
Corona Anatine: do we have monotheism ?
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): just to feel safe
herman Bergson: I am not sure, Corona :-))
Bejiita Imako: yes, cristans muslims ext have one god while hinduism have many
Corona Anatine: a lot of these modern monotheism include 'satan' which makes them at least partly dualist
Bejiita Imako: so hinduism is not a monotheism
herman Bergson: ok...add Satan to the story...
Bejiita Imako:
Corona Anatine: and then there are angels and saints and mary and lots of other stuff
herman Bergson: Well, I think ..you have enough to think about before the next lecture now :-))
Bejiita Imako: hehehe
Max Chatnoir: I don't think that Satan counts as a god -- wasn't he supposed to be an angel?  Or is that just Milton?
Bejiita Imako: (head spinning faster then a particle beam in the LHC at moment)
Corona Anatine: maybe all religions are polytheist and just have differing steepness to the angle of the hierarchical pyramid
Bejiita Imako:
herman Bergson: he is a fallen angel as far as I know :-)
Ciska Riverstone: heheheh bejiita
Max Chatnoir: @Corona:  There's a thought!
Bejiita Imako:
Max Chatnoir: Normal curve approaching a line.
herman Bergson: I'd better thank you all again for your participation.....to save bejiita from overload...:-)
Corona Anatine: indeed because all religions include a variety of levels of power between humans and the single 'god' or ruler of gods
Bejiita Imako: hehe i need to think this through a bit
Bejiita Imako: but this is interesting concept indeed
herman Bergson: See you next Tuesday.....class dismissed :-))
Max Chatnoir: Herman, you always raise more and more questions.
Bejiita Imako:
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): he loves to do that Max:)
Bejiita Imako: thats the point
Bejiita Imako: hehe
herman Bergson: Yes Max...that is my intention...:-)
Corona Anatine: maybe bejita should expand her mind so it has more capacity and less risk of overflow
herman Bergson: you would fall asleep when I just came up with all answers :-)
Corona Anatine: are you able to do that Herman ?
Bejiita Imako: hehe, well this is what makes it fun, find new ways to think about stuff
Max Chatnoir: Yes.
herman Bergson: silly remark, Corona...you know better....^_^
Corona Anatine: do you have all the answers to everything ?
Corona Anatine: yeh i do
herman Bergson smiles
Bejiita Imako: hehe
herman Bergson: The main goal of my class is to make you THINK....:-)
Corona Anatine: I aslo can give an answer to everything -just cant guarantee to give a true/right answer
herman Bergson: if you need answers...go to Wikipedia ^_^
Bejiita Imako: hehe
Corona Anatine: maybe - but first we need to get the questions right
herman Bergson: oh...I got lots of such answers too, Corona ^_^
Corona Anatine: : )
herman Bergson: That is a good point Corona....
herman Bergson: We first have to get the question right!
herman Bergson: That is why we have to understand the use of "exist"....
herman Bergson: How it works in our language...what it denotes....
Max Chatnoir: I got ONE answer in Wikipedia.  the two central figures in the picture are Plato and Aristotle.
herman Bergson: Very nice, Max :-))
herman Bergson: I'll put a little URL script in the wall....
Max Chatnoir: Oh, that would be good.
herman Bergson: when you click it it refers to the Wikipedia page then
Max Chatnoir: I looked to see if there was one.
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): i am tired now..nobody can see that or feel that..does that mean tired does not exist?
Corona Anatine: ar e they ?
herman Bergson: this was the URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_School_of_Athens
Max Chatnoir: That's the one!
Corona Anatine: plato and aristole existed - are pictures of them actaully those men
herman Bergson: no...:-)
Corona Anatine: at best they are accurate images - butr even that is uncertain
Bejiita Imako:
herman Bergson: Yor condition exists for you Beertje....undeniable :-)
Corona Anatine: probably about as accutrate as images of jesus or the sistine chapel
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): but does it for other people?
herman Bergson: in the sense that you go to bed, yes :-))
Ciska Riverstone: for me too beertje - but i do not know it it is the same ;)
Corona Anatine: [ tanya departed because the topic was too deep for her - so overalod is infective it would appear
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): ok..goodnight then :))
Bejiita Imako:
Bejiita Imako: cu next time
Ciska Riverstone: welterusten beertje
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): welterusten allemaal
herman Bergson: sweet dreams Beertje :-))
Bejiita Imako: bye beertje
herman Bergson: one down ...six to go....^_^
Max Chatnoir: Donatello and Raphael and Leonardo are in there too.
Bejiita Imako: the entire TMNT
Bejiita Imako: lol
Bejiita Imako:
herman Bergson: TMNT?
Max Chatnoir: representations anyway.
Corona Anatine: teenage mutant nija turtles
Bejiita Imako: yep
Bejiita Imako:
herman Bergson: lol
Bejiita Imako: hehe
Max Chatnoir: Teenage mutant ninja...
herman Bergson: I never liked those cartoons
Bejiita Imako: the new movie was really good btw
Bejiita Imako: recommend it
Bejiita Imako:
herman Bergson: I find those turtles such silly characters
Bejiita Imako: hehe its a bit special but hey it works
Bejiita Imako: then i grew up with them so
Max Chatnoir: Well, thank you as always, Herman.
Ciska Riverstone: thanx herman thanx everyone
Max Chatnoir: Hope to see you Tuesday!
Bejiita Imako: cu all then
bergfrau Apfelbaum: ***** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE***********
bergfrau Apfelbaum: ***** *********** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE
Bejiita Imako:
bergfrau Apfelbaum: thx herman & class!
Bejiita Imako: YAY! (yay!)
Corona Anatine: oh btw a quick plug - my book 'idunns orcahrd the musician of the heliopause ' is out now on e book - ISBN 978-4969-9705-9 [e]
Barby Seda: good night Herman and everybody
herman Bergson: Bye BArby
Corona Anatine: by barby
Max Chatnoir: Thanks, Corona.
Corona Anatine: yw max
herman Bergson: Illegal advertising in my class Corona !!!!!! lol

Thursday, February 26, 2015

568: The proof of the existence of god

Since the early days of homo sapiens we find examples of culture. The Oxford Dictionaries define the concept like this:
“The arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively” and
“The ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society”
Take music. All humans create it. We have serious debates about the concept of “beauty” 
and what makes something a work of Art. The artists are sometimes adored as idols.
This is how our brain works, but you could ask the question “Why do we do that?” I have only one explanation: our brain is a stimuli addict.
When you deprive the brain and central nervous system of stimuli, we go crazy. If you offer constantly the same stimuli we get bored and eventually crazy again.
This might be an explanation why the organism, called homo sapiens, creates culture. And one of his creations is religion.
However, the arts and religion are not treated in the same way. We sometimes have the feeling that an artist seems to be in touch with a transcendental something called Beauty, which he brings back to earth level.
The priest and imams appear to have a similar role in the cultural phenomenon, called religion. They bring god to earth level.
Here the philosophical issues start. We love to talk about beauty, but in fact, when we see a beautiful painting,
what we say is that beauty is a property of this painting and we try to define this property. But in case of religion we get a completely different debate.
Religion claims the existence of something, it calls god. Like we are easily inclined to imagine that it is Beauty, that touches the painting or the music,
likewise we seem to be inclined to believe that we are “touched”, “guided” by this god. When you look at the figures behind me, they show that a lot of people believe this.
Does beauty exist? Oh yes! Of course we may seriously disagree whether compositions of Stockhausen are beautiful or not, but we we all believe it exists.
Does god exist? I am sorry, the believers say, that is not debatable. He (She/It) exists. I can listen to music and experience beauty. It just happens.
But what should I do to have a similar experience regarding this god idea. I guess one answer would be…just look at the beauty of nature. Someone  MUST have created it.
And here we enter the fist battle zone: necessity. It is commonly accepted that there are two sorts of existent entities: those that exist but could have failed to exist, 
and those that could not have failed to exist. Entities of the first sort are contingent beings; entities of the second sort are necessary beings.
There are various entities which, if they exist, would be candidates for necessary beings: God, propositions, relations, properties, states of affairs, possible worlds, and numbers, among others. 
Note that the first entity in this list is a concrete entity, while the rest are abstract entities.
Many interesting philosophical questions arise when one inquires about necessary beings: What makes it the case that they exist necessarily? Is there a grounding for their necessary existence? 
To say that this god is just a coincidence…no way! It would make the whole universe just a coincidence and it seems that this observation destroys the meaning of life.
So he has to be necessary and without a beginning or end. Don’t ask me what this means. It is our brain that invents these ideas.
Not mine, but other people’s brains and they are even willing to murder for it…….
Thank you for your attention…the floor is yours..^_^

The Discussion

Max Chatnoir: So why is God concrete and not abstract?
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): no one says that
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): i don’t think
Bejiita Imako: because he is describes as a being of some sort i guess
herman Bergson: no no....god can not be abstract like a number is abstract
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): but not concrete
Bejiita Imako: or a property
herman Bergson: if that were so he would be only a product of our brain
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): Mmmm a deity can be abstract, or a collection of ideas that form a religion
herman Bergson: That idea of god as a property is interesting Bejiita....
Loo Zeta-Ah  mumbles something about Spinoza
Max Chatnoir: or contingent?
herman Bergson: Spinoza thought about it in that way
Bejiita Imako: hmm might be
Bejiita Imako: ok
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): lol
herman Bergson: you are right Loo :-))
Barby Seda: the existence of god is based on faith and believe
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): Did we say Spinoza simultaneously?
Bejiita Imako: interesting concept indeed
herman Bergson: But what does this property add to reality....
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): Sorry  have him up to the ear balls, my son is writing him for a thesis
herman Bergson: Next lecture I'll discuss 'existence'
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): spinoza??
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): yep
Bejiita Imako: ok
herman Bergson: and the question...is existence a property...
Max Chatnoir: That will be interesting, especially here!
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): mmm metaphysical or virtual or projected identity of self?
Daruma Hermine Boa (daruma): the question is, what is existence?
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): it always was
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): :-)
Daruma Hermine Boa (daruma): ;-)
herman Bergson: indeed Daruma....
Max Chatnoir: To be or not to be, that is the question.
herman Bergson: what do I say more in the tomato is red.....and
herman Bergson: the tomato is red and exists
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): Not after it is eaten
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate) GIGGLES!!
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): ...LOL...
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): there are other colors of tomatoes
herman Bergson: Teh tomato willl still be red Loo
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): It then becomes us
Daruma Hermine Boa (daruma): where does it exist? when I read also science magacines I get totally confused about where I am - what I am - and why I am.
Bejiita Imako: the tomato is concrete and an object, red is abstract and a property that is linked to the concrete tomato
Bejiita Imako: to make it look red
Daruma Hermine Boa (daruma): perhaps I am a tomato...
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): Yuck very indigestable concrete tomatoes
Bejiita Imako: taste is another property
Max Chatnoir: If you take away all of the properties, don't you take a way the tomato?
Bejiita Imako: hahaha concrete as in an object
Bejiita Imako: not building material
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): ◕‿÷
Bejiita Imako:
herman Bergson: The point is that 'red' IS a property of the tomato....
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): we are ripping at the next topic
herman Bergson: but what is 'exist'?
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): so sorry
Bejiita Imako: but without the tomato the property would not exixt
Daruma Hermine Boa (daruma): ja herman. Things can exist in many ways
herman Bergson: indeed Bejiita
Max Chatnoir: Ah, so the redness is contingent on the tomato.
Bejiita Imako: ah
Max Chatnoir: at least the tomato's redness.
Daruma Hermine Boa (daruma): Virtual, physical, only in our minds....
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): It was once green
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): soem are yellow too
Bejiita Imako: yes
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): yep
Bejiita Imako: and both ate still tomatoes
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): does god have a color?
Bejiita Imako: are
bergfrau Apfelbaum: i think that one of God, or something else, believe because it helps if we have troubles.... it can help a glass of wine... or good sex, or any god in our head
bergfrau Apfelbaum: i think did one of God, or something else, believe: because it helps if we have troubles .... it can help a glass of wine ... or good sex, or any god in our head
bergfrau Apfelbaum:  *¨¨**''* Cheers *''**¨¨*
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): spirit don’t usually have color
Barby Seda: the tomato derives from seeds
Daruma Hermine Boa (daruma): god must have any colour cos he is a believe of nearly anyone in the world.
herman Bergson: That is the big problem Beertje...
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): no color
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): Mmm spirit can be coloured
Daruma Hermine Boa (daruma): And I mean in this way god as a word for any believe
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): ah so there is belief in spirits
herman Bergson: Is it an object that can have properties...
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): <---- alternative="" going="" here="" p="">
Bejiita Imako: yes but the spirit itself is always colorless
Bejiita Imako: the ethanol itself
herman Bergson: the theologians believe so....
Daruma Hermine Boa (daruma): ok bejita
Bejiita Imako: the color come from other substances mixed with it
herman Bergson: he is benevolent, omnipotent eternal and so on...
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): Reflection of something on it?
Barby Seda: the colors and other attributes derive from the seeds
herman Bergson: only existing entities can have properties
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): Or 'She'
Bejiita Imako: true
herman Bergson: Yes Loo....another problem..HE She or It
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): why would sex be involved
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): but when he or she has a color then god must exist
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): at all
herman Bergson: but what sense does it make for a god in the Judaic tradition to be a he or a she...?
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): Exactly... God 'IS'
herman Bergson: If he is a he...can he have a wife too?
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): no sexual identity
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): maybe he has:)))
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): Well is there sex in heaven?
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): i hope so Loo:))))
herman Bergson: would be heavenly sex :-))
Bejiita Imako: indeed
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): overpopulation could be a problem in eternity
Bejiita Imako: good sex is nice thats true
herman Bergson: But I don’t need god for that Bejiita ^_^
herman Bergson: only a goddess :-)))
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): lol
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont):
Bejiita Imako: no but i guess its all about getting stimuli of some sort weather ses or believe in god even they are totally different
Bejiita Imako: the brain chases stimuli
herman Bergson: To get back to the issue here....
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): Unless you are a Buddhist and you seek nothingness
herman Bergson: I really do not understand why people conclude that god necessarily has to exist...
Daruma Hermine Boa (daruma): me neither
bergfrau Apfelbaum: -II-
herman Bergson: That is whatI love about buhddism...it is totally uninterested in any god at all
Bejiita Imako: its mind boggling indeed especially for me who don’t believe in any god
Bejiita Imako: want some proof first
Bejiita Imako: before i believe
herman Bergson: yes Bejiita....I understand
Daruma Hermine Boa (daruma): a long story, but the christians needed something to keep the people small.
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): and those who do believe cannot imagine why those who dont .. dont
Bejiita Imako: true
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): I asked God for proof once...... ermm that is another story some other time
Bejiita Imako: heheh
Daruma Hermine Boa (daruma): but thats another< story
herman Bergson: that is the point Gemma...
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): yes
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): So in asking God for proof, I was acknowledging existence
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): looks at bangladesh in amazement
Bejiita Imako: hmm indeed
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): less than 1% don t believe
Bejiita Imako: almost all believe in god
herman Bergson: But I still do not understand where this idea of a supernatural being comes from...unless it is a by product of our mental development since childhood
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): Otherwise I would be talking to .....
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): yes
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): I think it has to do with control
Bejiita Imako: thats the only logical thing, people who have not stopped believing in santa claus already somewhat
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): That we cannot control we put down to another being in control
herman Bergson: oh yes Loo....the god idea has been used to control whole nations....
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): stil is
herman Bergson: look at IS!
Bejiita Imako: nowadays seems mostly a means to control and opress people
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): i think we need someone to blame for disasters
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): and to blame god is easy
Bejiita Imako: religion = power = bad thing
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta) nods
Bejiita Imako: bad combination
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): Not always it is how it is managed
Barby Seda: However, look at Deistic beliefs
herman Bergson: No Beeertje.....for that is really the big question....
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): Islam = peace
herman Bergson: Take an earthquake...
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): Christian philosophy is peace
herman Bergson: if god did that he is the biggest asshole ever
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): yep
herman Bergson: so...here we have the problem of evil in this world....
Bejiita Imako: religion might be a good thing as start bt then the big leaders manipulate it just to gain control
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): take IS..who is the god that say shop the heads off?
Bejiita Imako: brainwashing
Bejiita Imako: for evil purposes
Bejiita Imako: thats whats happening now with is
Bejiita Imako: ans boko haram
Bejiita Imako: and
Barby Seda: Christians also killed people
herman Bergson: Well...one remark...a bit off topic....
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): that is a huge distortion of the writings in the Koran
Bejiita Imako: true, but that was in the mid ages, but these guys STILL live in the mid ages even its 2015
Max Chatnoir: Sorry, I had to answer the door!
Bejiita Imako: sort of
herman Bergson: Why do we NEVER hear or read in the news who is supplying this IS movement....????
Max Chatnoir: and then chase the dog.  Reading the chat...
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): exactly because they are NOT educated
Bejiita Imako: true
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): Ermmm they are often
Bejiita Imako: ok
Bejiita Imako: hmm
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): The person whom lived where i was born in Leeds and blew up the underground was a teacher
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): 07/07
herman Bergson: there are two Qurans....
Bejiita Imako: ee ok
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): They recruit disaffected individuals frustrated with their lot
Max Chatnoir: REally, two?
Barby Seda: just like there are 2 Christian Bibles
Bejiita Imako: ah
Max Chatnoir: Two bibles or two translations?
herman Bergson: one written in the period 612 -622....which is like christian evangelium...and one written in the period 622 -632
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): or romantic enough to want to be in in a movement
herman Bergson: which is writtten by the Warrior Mohammed
Barby Seda: one who people choose to read, and the other which is ignored
Bejiita Imako: aaa now i get what u mean
Bejiita Imako: by 2 bibles, old and new testament
herman Bergson: so one half is human and mild...the second half is barbaric like IS
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): and like the dead sea scrolls called gnostic texts
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): and the other gospels also
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): not included in the bible
Bejiita Imako: aa
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): I have been called a cyber gnostic by a well known theologian.... bring it on!!!
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate) GIGGLES!!
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): ...LOL...
Bejiita Imako: hhaahaha
Bejiita Imako:
herman Bergson: wow...cyber gnostic....
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): interesting
herman Bergson: what in the world might that be? :-)
Bejiita Imako: no ides
Bejiita Imako: hehe
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): Well it was NT Wright at a digital symposium in Durham Uni
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): he is stuck on gnosticism
Bejiita Imako: is that like Necronomicon?
Max Chatnoir: So which one is more commonly used?  Or were they combined?
Bejiita Imako: Chtullu and similar
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): and well thinks because I meet with people on line.. in preference ot local church
herman Bergson: I wonder what I should call myself....
herman Bergson: I see religion as a cultural product like music and art....
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): The interaction was shared on youtube, if anybody interested I will share the link
Bejiita Imako: ok
herman Bergson: you mean your birth as cyber gnostic Loo? :-)
Daruma Hermine Boa (daruma): Religion is a good tool to keep people under control.
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): of course so is the military
Daruma Hermine Boa (daruma): It contains fear, hopes and the believe of healing
herman Bergson: Yes it is, Daruma...but that applies to any ideology...communism was too
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): right
Daruma Hermine Boa (daruma): true
Daruma Hermine Boa (daruma): religion makes no different^^^
Ciska Riverstone: economic systems as well
Daruma Hermine Boa (daruma): sorry
Barby Seda: or applied to capitalism
herman Bergson: VERY TRUE, Ciska!
Daruma Hermine Boa (daruma): its not more holy than other tools
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): yes
Bejiita Imako: i guess so
Ciska Riverstone: not less either ;)
Daruma Hermine Boa (daruma): u must know the target group
Daruma Hermine Boa (daruma): thats all
Daruma Hermine Boa (daruma): others work for money
herman Bergson: well...I think....enough to think about for two days again :-))
Daruma Hermine Boa (daruma): other work for "holiness"
Daruma Hermine Boa (daruma): but in the end its money
herman Bergson: SO....thank you all again for your participation :-))
Bejiita Imako:
Daruma Hermine Boa (daruma): dank je well herman
herman Bergson whispers: Time to cool down our brains agian :-)
Bejiita Imako: nice Herman
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): thank you Herman, enough to think about again:)
Loo Zeta-Ah (loo.zeta): Thanks
Bejiita Imako: hehe indeed
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): yes
Daruma Hermine Boa (daruma): / me claps
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): as usual
herman Bergson: Class dismissed .....^_^
Bejiita Imako: cu thursday

Bejiita Imako:

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

567: The Watchmaker...

What always has fascinated me, is the photo of some prehistoric pottery, maybe a 10.000 or more years old.
It was a simple pot and the maker had decorated it with a tiny  regular pattern around the upper edge.
Why in the world would someone waste his time on doing that? It must be a by-product of our brain, the desire to make something more than just a pot.
Like writing and reading is a by-product of our ability to use language and music is a by-product of our ability to recognize pitch and rhythm.
Like our ability to imagine other minds can be a by-product of our self awareness and our empathic abilities.
This might very well be the evolution of the brain in action finally resulting in our ability to imagine things.
And as soon as we begin to contribute real existence to things we imagine, it is a small step to believing in supernatural existences.
The first traces of ritualistic and religious behavior date back to more than 26.000 years ago and it has never left our culture since.
Through the ages many gods have come and go,  but our imagination stayed as one of the abilities of the brain.
And when you say that what you imagine really exists, we in our age of science want to see hard evidence for it.
When we find this hard evidence, the case is closed and what we imagined (actually a hypothesis) becomes a fact.
Now here comes this peculiar logic: when you find in nature something complex, it MUST have a maker, a designer.
This inclination to attribute things we do not understand to an intelligence, that does understand the matter, is not new.
You may remember that I quoted  Cicero (106 - 43 BC) in one of my previous lecture: “When you see a sundail or a waterclock, you see that it tells the time by design and not by chance. 
How then can you imagine, that the universe as a whole is devoid of purpose and intelligence?” -end quote-
So, the desire to find direct or indirect evidence for the existence of something supernatural, is as old as Rome itself.
A more recent attempt was The Watchmaker Analogy. It was given by William Paley in his 1802 book “Natural Theology or Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity”:
1.The complex inner workings of a watch necessitate an intelligent designer.
2. As with a watch, the complexity of X (a particular organ or organism, the structure of the solar system, life, the universe, anything complex) necessitates a designer.
Why do we necessarily have to conclude that there is a designer, when something is complex? I still do not understand this logic.
In the 60s creationists revived the Watchmaker analogy and related to that a new concept emerged: Intelligent Design (ID).
For ID the most notable disputes concern the evolution of living organisms, the idea of common descent, the geological history of the Earth, the formation of the solar system and the origin of the universe.
The interesting thing about ID is that it hijacks science and uses it as arguments for its stance. Dozens of lawsuits there were in the US…and in the US only.
Christian organizations tried to force public schools to teach Intelligent Design theory as alternative for Darwinian evolution theory.
All cases were lost nevertheless. Educators, philosophers, and the scientific community have demonstrated that ID is a religious argument, 
a form of creationism which lacks empirical support and offers no testable or tenable hypotheses. 
Proponents argue that it is "an evidence-based scientific theory about life's origins" that challenges the methodological naturalism 
inherent in modern science, while conceding that they have yet to produce a scientific theory and that is probably because they are not evidence-based but beliefs-based.
Main questions stays: WHY want people so eagerly this creator story about our reality? By the way….who created the creator, where does he/she/it come from?
Anyway, enough to think about…and you will have plenty of time for that. This Thursday I’ll leave for a vacation on Schiermonnikoog, the island, and I won’t be back before February 21 ^_^
The floor is yours…:-))

The Discussion

herman Bergson: Thank you :-)
herman Bergson: If you have any questions or remarks...feel free...
CB Axel: I can't help thinking that we do a very bad job in the US of teaching science.
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): I think
Corona Anatine: okies not totally on topic but the pattern on pots might be an aim to copy rope
CB Axel: It allows people to think that a book is evidence.
Door Deluxe Plus: Tarokaka Resident has just entered your land !
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): Wait, lost my train of thought
herman Bergson: Well CB...that is a problem indeed....
herman Bergson: I wasn’t there 28.000 years ago when the early men started rituals...
herman Bergson: so how can I believe that....
Corona Anatine: on ID idea - the need to have id in complex thing is because t we learn that complex things tend to have intelligence
herman Bergson: I read a book indeed...but its authority was based on earcheological evidence
Max Chatnoir: Nice point, Corona.
Corona Anatine: it is a product of child development
Max Chatnoir: So something inanimate that looks complex had to have been formed by an intelligent creature.
Corona Anatine: that things with a will of their own are intelligent
Corona Anatine: yes
Max Chatnoir: A bird's nest or a termite mound.
herman Bergson: yes...for I don’t see any relation between complexity and intelligence....conscious intelligence corona
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): Uh, to totally dismiss the validity of written record is to undermine the basis of all sorts of things
Corona Anatine: true btu you have wisdom beyond that of a child - many adult dont progress as far as you
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): While something being written down doesn't immediately give it a pass
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): It also doesn't mean that it's entirely without value
CB Axel: True, but the written record has to be based on evidence.
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): Why?
herman Bergson: Oh no Kei-chan...
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): Why does something have to be true for us to learn from it?
herman Bergson: on the contrary....
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): That's a flawed method of thinking
CB Axel: We can learn from myths. But that's not the problem.
Max Chatnoir: What a good question.
herman Bergson: Tons of scientific researches are stored in written documents....
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): The origins of man are a matter for science, not philosophy, to prove, disprove, or otherwise explain
herman Bergson: to begin with what Galileo, Kepler and Newton and einstein wrote for instance
herman Bergson: Philosophy is not concerned about the origin of man at all...
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): Then why lecture on creationism, the clockmaker theory, and intelligent design?
herman Bergson: It is concerned with the validity of the theories that are formulated about this origin
Corona Anatine: [and if there was science in an ancient civilization - it could well be that we would not recognize it as such due to word meaning shifts
herman Bergson: Because this is an educational project Kei-chan.....
herman Bergson: to teach people about what theories are around....
herman Bergson: and to discuss their validity...
CB Axel: And about why some people believe one thing and why some believe something else?
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): The problem with those theories though is their attempt to explain through inference
herman Bergson: Indeed CB.....and the justification of such beliefs
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): They're creating a house of cards, theories upon theories, "Well if this, and this, and this, then this must be true"
Max Chatnoir: the curse of the scientific method.  :-)
herman Bergson: Oh yes Kei-chan...
Max Chatnoir: But the power of that method comes from the ability to make predictions that would falsify your hypothesis.
herman Bergson: Put two philosophers in a room to discuss the existence of god and you wont get no answer :-))
Mickorod Renard: and some are natural convincing people, but not nessesarily correct
herman Bergson: Take the Smart /Haldane discussion for instance...
Corona Anatine: wouild three of them acheive it ?
herman Bergson: They might end with voting, Corona ^_^
Corona Anatine: so the existence of god is a democratic concept then herman?
herman Bergson: But Kei-chan has a point that a lot of the debates are just verbal and use logic...
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): It's a construct
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): God exists in the same way that Odin or Zeus existed
herman Bergson: In that case Yes, Corona....but then too still a belief...not a fact
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): Or any other deity
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): It exists to answer the questions without answers
Corona Anatine: for sure
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): Because we need answers
herman Bergson: Yes Kei-chan....I can agree with that :-)
Corona Anatine: often tho they come up with the answers and then find quaetions to fit
Max Chatnoir: And maybe justification for answers that we cannot otherwise support.
herman Bergson: The only thing I'd like to question is this NEED for answers...
Scarre (scarre1648): but if we use a god as the answer to all our unsolved questions, how do we progress?
Corona Anatine: well the creationists answer that - they see life as pointless without a god to give their lives meaning
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): It's the human condition
herman Bergson: Yes Scarre indeed...we don’t need to because we ahve the answers...
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): Humans need meaning
herman Bergson: but on the other hand...PROGRESS...to what?
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): And not everyone is strong enough to find it for themselves
Daniel Luchador: to a more complete understanding of the world
Corona Anatine: nor is there progress where religion is ascendant - history shows that
Max Chatnoir: rather the opposite.
herman Bergson: Yes I agree...but why can't we accept the facyt that our brain some things just can not know!
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): Pretty judgmental to look down upon a culture for not making "progress"
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): So long as a culture is surviving, it's succeeding
Mickorod Renard: I think the human brain does indeed need answers..and that perhaps is due to storing experiences and knowledge..without knowing what it is it cannot be resolved and stays in a loop
herman Bergson: YEs Mickorod...
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): Modern culture is so increasingly aimless and frivolous that we tend to forget that the challenge for humanity is simply to survive
herman Bergson: but take the simple question of the origin of the universe...:-)
Mickorod Renard: yes, far easier to say God created it
herman Bergson: It is our brain that perceives reality in time and space....
Corona Anatine: not sure your word 'increasingly ' is correct there kei
herman Bergson: but when we apply this to the universe we have to come up with a big bang story
herman Bergson: Well, Kei-chan....in the Arab world, in Ukraine....they know....there they try to survive
Corona Anatine: not totally true herman the 'big bang was the product of observation - a theoiry to fit the obersved data
herman Bergson: no Corona...it was the result of an inference based on observations
herman Bergson: it was deduced from observations
Corona Anatine: okies accepted -your definition is more accurate
Mickorod Renard: and it is still not conclusive
herman Bergson: no it isnt at all to me...
herman Bergson: pragmatically it may explain a lot withinits context...
herman Bergson: but as an answer to the question about the origin of the universe it is nada...nothing...no answer at all
Corona Anatine: oh its fairly conclusive -what tends to be disputed is whtehr it will expand forever or collapse back down again
Mickorod Renard: I also believe we allow ourselves to be convinced because we are limited in our ability to challenge
Corona Anatine: before the next expansion occurs
herman Bergson: So we need the Intelligent Designer, some people think
Max Chatnoir: Or maybe it just expands locally.
Max Chatnoir: But I don't see how a Designer helps.
herman Bergson: this expansion story is also weird....
herman Bergson: for all expands AWAY from EARTH,...
herman Bergson: in other words...
CB Axel: Well, I haven't heard anyone say what they think happened before the big bang. Was it a god?
herman Bergson: it looks like earth is the center of the universe
Max Chatnoir: Wouldn't it look the same from Mars?
herman Bergson: That is our brain CB....we think in time.....
Max Chatnoir: Or Alpha centauri?
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): CB, the theory is that the universe is expanding towards a point
Mickorod Renard: and maybe its just us getting smaller?
herman Bergson: so..what happened BEFORE the big bang indeed
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): after which it will begin to compress
herman Bergson: it looks like a rational question
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): If you're to go off that, then before the big bang, there was another universe
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): And after ours is gone, there'll be another
herman Bergson: Mickorod...are we shrinking???:-)
CB Axel: I thought the universe was expanding faster and faster.
Mickorod Renard: he he could be Herman
Sovot: Asking what happened "before" the Big Bang is a moot point in itself though, since if the Big Bang was truly the beginning of everything, that would also mean time
Sovot: You cannot have "before" if time does not exist
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): That's
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): dumb
herman Bergson: That only shifts the question to those other universes Kei-chan
Sovot: You're
Sovot: Dumb
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): No you
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): Well, nobody can answer those questions
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): Because they don't exist anymore
herman Bergson: Time exists in our minds...
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): And neither would any evidence
herman Bergson: we can not escape it
Corona Anatine: it would mean time and space for this expansion - but it might not have been the first ever
Sovot: The Big Bang came from one of the most densest singularities ever calculated and it is still not as dense as you kei
Corona Anatine: previous expansions are possible
Daniel Luchador: haha
Corona Anatine: but only as mathematical constructs
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): Most densest
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): durr
Mickorod Renard: but to many folk,,when one had to work the fields for food etc..deep questions re the universe were best put in God
Corona Anatine: do we need ad hominem arguments Sovot
herman Bergson: Well at least beyond your personal responsability, Mickorod...yes
herman Bergson: I noticed Corona...
Sovot: All I'm saying is scientists could just observe Kei if they wanted to perform theoretical experiments on incredibly dense objects
herman Bergson: I'll let is pass as a humoristic remark Sovot...
Mickorod Renard: there is the thing re the falling tree in the forrest..I was thinking that perhaps the beginning was the beginning of human dna
Scarre (scarre1648): Sovot, come on now
Daniel Luchador: there was no beginning of human dna
Daniel Luchador: it's the same type of dna that monkeys have with a few extra bits
herman Bergson: I have no idea about that Daniel
herman Bergson: yes....it is
Mickorod Renard: nor me daniel..but I was making a sort of idea up
Corona Anatine: well in truth there was a beginning of human dNA- the mutation that cause the fusion of chromosome 2
Max Chatnoir: human DNA goes all the way back to the prokaryotes.
Mickorod Renard: ie..did the universe only become relevant due to our existence
Corona Anatine: no
herman Bergson: so far we are the only beings aware of the existence of the universe Mickorod
Corona Anatine: the universe has relevance to itself
Corona Anatine: it does not need or care we exist
Mickorod Renard: how do you know Corona?
herman Bergson: the universe just IS....nothing more, I would say
Daniel Luchador: how do you know that we are the only beings aware of the existence of the universe
Corona Anatine: because the universe exosted long before humans existed
herman Bergson: We don’t know Daniel....
Corona Anatine: and will long after we are extinct
Daniel Luchador: you wouldn't say a dog or a cat is aware of the universe?
herman Bergson: but we have no prove of any other self aware bing in the universe sofar...
Mickorod Renard: we are all made of star dust
herman Bergson: being
Max Chatnoir: You know the study about dogs facing north when they poop?   I don't know if that qualifies as awareness of the universe, but they are certainly sensing features of the earth.
Daniel Luchador: simply navigating your physical environment is being aware of the universe
herman Bergson: they may like many other animals sense the magnetivc field of the earth Max
Corona Anatine: even an ameoba is aware of the existence of the physical universe -in whater eevr level of awareness is applicable to amaoba
CB Axel: Are they aware or are they just reacting to the magnetic field or something?
herman Bergson: we have to be careful here....
Max Chatnoir: Well, that's the question.
Mickorod Renard: aware yes, but does it question for an answer?
Corona Anatine: no more or less than humans are
Max Chatnoir: what is "awareness"
herman Bergson: responding to input is not the same as being aware of something...
Corona Anatine: which is why i added the rider at the end
herman Bergson: the needle of my compass turns to the north....but that doesnt mean it is aware of the north
CB Axel: Are you sure? Have you asked it?
Corona Anatine: okies : ))
CB Axel: LOL
Max Chatnoir: But aren't we also responding to input when we try to look beyond what we can immediately see?
herman Bergson: Yes Max....we are responding to impulses from our brain, I would say
Daniel Luchador: actually i think you could say the compass is aware of the north, it doesn't have a brain but it has a mechanism to take input and come up with a correct output, which is what the brain does on a more complicated scale
Corona Anatine: a maget that is part of an organism is aware of the north
herman Bergson: why it creates these impulses is another story
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): Oh man, that's
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): I don't know
Max Chatnoir: And we have these big brains that can imagine things, and remember things, and anticipate things.
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): I don't know about people making comparisons between the brain and machines
herman Bergson: That is a very broad definition of awareness Danial...makes it almost trivial
Gerael: there's programs already that are far better at mental tasks than people, like understanding legal text
Gerael: so it's not that much of a stretch to say the mind is a more complicated machine
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): There's a huge, HUGE gap of complexity between the human brain and a computer, for example
Mickorod Renard: what was the question again Herman?
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): And what's more, we're so unsure as to its exact functions
Corona Anatine: [currently]
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): How can we even say that machine thought and organic thought would operate on the same level
Daniel Luchador: yes but at the fundamental level it's just hooking up a network that calculates answers
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): Maybe they come to conclusions in entirely different ways?
herman Bergson: Mickorod "responding to input is not the same as being aware of something..."
Max Chatnoir: machines can't grow new connections as they experience the world.
Max Chatnoir: At least I don't think they can.
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): And that's not to push the whole reason versus emotion argument, I mean on a functional level
Corona Anatine: that is a thing of current research
Mickorod Renard: :) thanks, although i was thinking of the first question after your lesson
herman Bergson: I guess we have to return to the topic of this lecture...:-)
herman Bergson looks at his watch
Corona Anatine: the difference between human and machine awareness is only really a difference in programming
herman Bergson: A lot of good remarks and observations has been presented by you tooday...
Corona Anatine: organism are preset to learn and respond to the outside world
herman Bergson: Enough to keep your mind working on it for a week I hope :-))
Corona Anatine: while IT is preset to calculate
Daniel Luchador: thank you for the class
herman Bergson: SO..thank you all for your participation...
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): Ok, I'm out
Kei-chan (hanako.alchemi): Later, chumps
herman Bergson: Class dismissed...
Mickorod Renard: have a nice break Herman
CB Axel: Thank you, herman. Have a nice holiday.
Max Chatnoir: Yes, thanks, Herman.  It's always interesting.
herman Bergson: Thank you Mickorod
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): Fijne vakantie Herman
Max Chatnoir: And have a good break.
Scarre (scarre1648): thank you for having us, Herman
herman Bergson: My pleasure Scarre
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): can I carry your suitcase?
Max Chatnoir: :-)
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): want to go to Schier too:)
CB Axel: Good bye, everyone. See you next week.
Corona Anatine: no axel
Gerael: farewell
Max Chatnoir: I must get back to my fruit flies.
herman Bergson: Bye CB :-)
Corona Anatine: nohting happens next wek
Max Chatnoir: We're meeting thursday?  Or not.
Corona Anatine: this thursday yes
Max Chatnoir: But not next Tuesday until after the 21st?
Max Chatnoir: I'll adjust my calendar.  And my door.  :-)
Corona Anatine: was sure herman said thursday and then holiday till 21st but cant find it on scrolling up
herman Bergson: Yes corona...I'll be back the 21st...
Max Chatnoir: Oh, that's perfect.  I have to take my husband to the dentist on the 17th.  :-)
Corona Anatine: hmm hsame means i will gave to find something to fill the emptiness of tuesday and thursday nexty week
Max Chatnoir: Well, I will see you all Thursday.
Max Chatnoir: Bye for now.
herman Bergson: You have your day off Max...granted :-))
Corona Anatine: good session Herman
Corona Anatine: and you learn a lot about kei and sovot
herman Bergson: thank you corona :-))
herman Bergson: For you too!
herman Bergson: a pity....
herman Bergson: It was only one remark.....
herman Bergson: next time he wont get away with it...not in my class
Corona Anatine: wel the name sovot - does suggests folk from the soviet university
herman Bergson: I have no idea what that group of weird looking people was
Corona Anatine: a hub of griefing is found at the soviet university
Corona Anatine: was banned by LLK a few years back
Corona Anatine: there appearance was suggestive
herman Bergson: Sovot is Japanese
Corona Anatine: okies i saw that in the profile
herman Bergson: Kei-chan too
Corona Anatine: or at least the claim to be
herman Bergson: yes...
herman Bergson: for Sovot says "I do not understand the English conversation."
herman Bergson: but he knows to play with the word 'dense"
Corona Anatine: indeed
herman Bergson: which is quit idiomatic use
herman Bergson: American Japanese....perhaps
Corona Anatine: after a few years in sL one learns to spot the hallmark o f greifers - there chat topics also showed this
Corona Anatine: have encountered a lot worse
herman Bergson: they looked like some battlegroup indeed ^_^
Corona Anatine: but it might pay to have a tactic ready if you are being targeted
herman Bergson: I was a little worried indeed to be honest....
herman Bergson: why shoudl I...
Corona Anatine: because ti would amuse them to distrupt you lessons
herman Bergson: first of all I SIT here...so they cant do anything
herman Bergson: I give a shit about that...:-)
Corona Anatine: : )
herman Bergson: oh...funny coincidence....
herman Bergson: I scripted my lecturen just recently .....and I SIT here....
Corona Anatine: : )
herman Bergson: bad luck for griefers
Corona Anatine: oh btw herman - a link for you=http://www.secularconference.com/videos/
herman Bergson: ok...I'll check it out
Corona Anatine: : )