Tuesday, February 24, 2015

566: Everything has a cause.....

In our process of looking atheism we have reached an interesting stage: we have found clear evidence
 that the developing mind between 2 and 7 years contains all presets necessary to religious thinking. 
Educationally it is also the period during which many of us have learnt that going to church on Sunday is part of life and the rest.
In that period we learn to believe in ghosts and in the dualist idea, that we are a body and a mind and that there can be other minds without a body.
The third element, I did not yet mention, is the belief of a child, that everything has a purpose. It is that developmental phase where a child begins to ask “Why is this…” and “Why is that…”
The trick with my son was always to trap him in a circular argument. “Dad, why are bananas bend?”. “That is so you can bend them right again, son”.
“Why should I bend the bananas right, dad?” “Because they are bend, son” and thus I had a quiet afternoon again.
That is how we grow up…. thinking that everything has a purpose, a reason of being or an intention.
This morning I was reading an interview with some important astronomer. It was about the Big Bang. He said, that where ever we look into space
galaxies, stars and so on are moving away from us, which means that the universe is expanding. And then comes that logic….
Because everything is moving away from us, there HAS to have been a moment when that movement started. In other words, we have to assume, that there was a Big Bang.
It is a nice model, but regarding questions like: Where did it come from? We don't know. Why did it appear? We don't know. 
Yet we have this innate need to find a reason for everything. For the 2 to 7 year old children, that is no problem at all.
Everything is there for a reason. Why are there mountains. Simple, they are there to climb. Why are there leaves on the trees. To get shadow in summer….
In other words, nothing is just there. Behind its existence there has to be an intention, a design. And where there is a design, there has to be some designer, of course.
For children this idea of a design of reality is an almost natural belief. And the next step, to learn to believe in a Designer isn’t that difficult then.
You can take this proces one step further. When you believe in dualism and add to that the belief in a Designer,
the next step could be a belief in the possibility to get to know this designer or even more…to get in touch with this designer.
As you see, our brain looks almost predisposed to belief in such a way. But I immediately run into trouble already. This idea of a designer…..
If you look at the complexity from micro- to macro-cosmos, I’d say that this can only be done by a team of designers.
Where does that logic come from, that you only have one designer? And then this designer him or herself.
We run into the same questions as with the Big Bang theory: Where did he come from? We don't know. Why did he appear? We don't know. Why do we always talk of a “HE” and not a “SHE”, “IT” perhaps?
The problem we face here is the problem of evidence. The older we get the more realistic and demanding we become regarding the empirical quality of evidence.
The subject we have run into here is called creationism and in other contexts named Intelligent Design.
In the US there is a lot of money behind this idea. If you want Richard Dawkins on Red Alert!, then tell him that you as a scientist are funded by the Templeton Foundation of John Templeton.
Declaring that relatively little is known about the divine through scripture and present-day theology, he predicted that "scientific revelations may be a gold mine for revitalizing religion in the 21st century." 
To his mind, "All of nature reveals something of the creator. And god is revealing himself more and more to human inquiry, 
not always through prophetic visions or scriptures but through the astonishingly productive research of modern scientists."
Isn’t that something! We have to take a closer look at Intelligent Design and creationism and analyse the evidence, that is brought up to support such ideas.
Thank you for your attention…the floor is yours…^_^

The Discussion

CB Axel: Having a philosopher for a father must be hell. :D
Roger Amdahl: Sorry Herman, I totally disagree on the part there is a reason for everything. The second part I disagree is the designer theory, what a bad designer she must be ! Please give me some proof of a designer ?
CB Axel thinks of Herman's son trying to unbend a banana.
Corona Anatine notes that Herman’s son was traumatised by having a smartarse dad
herman Bergson smiles
herman Bergson: Let me first make one thing clear...
Max Chatnoir: Once a woman who lived in my neighborhood said to me.  "Isn't it wonderful that shade appears only when the sun is out and you need shade."
Corona Anatine: intelligent design -hmm the intelligent has to be that of  the proponents of the 'theory'
CB Axel: I don't think that there is necessarily a reason for something, but everything must come from something.
Roger Amdahl: Why not tell your sun light makes things grow slower .. that is why the sun side of the banana is shorter, hence it is bend .. then he learned something
herman Bergson: I do not express always my perosnal opinion ...just report what is going on....
Max Chatnoir: That would look like divine providence if you didn't know about shadows.
Bejiita Imako:
Corona Anatine: no Roger -becuase in the banana bunches the inner side i faces inwards
herman Bergson: In the first place...that reason for everything....
Corona Anatine: so is in b dark
Roger Amdahl: pfff,,, is that what your dad told you Corona ??
herman Bergson: Hold on please....
Corona Anatine: my dad was not a great conversationalist
herman Bergson: Let's stick to Roger's initial remark....
Corona Anatine: yeh
Roger Amdahl: a banana bench is band in same direction everywhere, not just outwards... observe !
herman Bergson: Corona..?! :-))
herman Bergson: the idea of a reason for everything....
herman Bergson: We love the idea....
Ciska Riverstone: well isn't that how we perceive the world as kids?
Corona Anatine: in what sense do you mean 'not a reason for everything'
Roger Amdahl: yes... it is just in our minds there should be a reason for things..
herman Bergson: But indeed it is at least a questionable stance
Ciska Riverstone: adults tell us all the time the reasons for things we have to do etc pp
Ciska Riverstone: so it is an experience for kids
Bejiita Imako: indeed
herman Bergson: yes Ciska...we are brought up with this belief
Corona Anatine: cos there are two different possible meanings to the word reason for' here
Bejiita Imako: does it have to be a reason for everything?
Ciska Riverstone: its important for us to find our way in societies in the first place as kids
herman Bergson: Yes Corona....there can be an intention behind the event or a cause...
Corona Anatine: the first is prior causuality the second has element of 'intended for' [by a designer]
herman Bergson: There Corona...we mean the same thing :-))
Roger Amdahl: you teach children with a reason , so they can g along in this society .. but that means nothing about the reason why we all here
Corona Anatine: : D
herman Bergson: I have no clue at all why we are al here Roger....
Roger Amdahl: I think there is no clue
herman Bergson: only seen from within a context I understand....
Ciska Riverstone: even the intent is learned by kids through parents... it is just learning by picking behaviour up
Corona Anatine: why we are here has no meaning
herman Bergson: I am in SL and so on....
Max Chatnoir: So the earth got hit by Theia (sp?) because their orbits crossed VS because Somebody thought we needed a moon?
Corona Anatine: other than the one we choose to have ourselves
herman Bergson: Interesting theory Max :-)
Bejiita Imako: yes'
herman Bergson: One remark about 'meaning"
herman Bergson: We create meaning withion contexts....
Roger Amdahl: We need the moon for mor stable earth, Stable climate and so .. That is why life could develop here .. just accidents adding up, no reason in it
Corona Anatine: but does 'god' even need to do more than just cause the initial expansion - after that the qauntum universe follws the laws of gravity etc
herman Bergson: Without a context it just doesn’t work...
Max Chatnoir: I wonder why it is harder to accept that we have to find our own meaning than that our life plan has been scripted for us?
herman Bergson: That implies a rather deterministic view on life Max...
Roger Amdahl: I am happy we have to find our purpose in life ourselves, and it is not dictated by some devine celestial dictator ..
Corona Anatine: assuming 'god' actually needed humans [ why] then it follows that it did not particulary matter which systems was suitable for life - eventually one or more would be somewhere
Max Chatnoir: Yes, it would, but some people seem to find it easier to believe.
herman Bergson: But if people like that, Max, how about their free will?
herman Bergson: are the robots?
Max Chatnoir: That's a good question.
Bejiita Imako: interesting
CB Axel: It feels better to say that someone has a bad life because of god's will then to say we all should make our own and others' lives better.
herman Bergson: Roger also gets nervous about a celestial dictator :-))
Chantal (nymf.hathaway): Agrees with CB
Max Chatnoir: I guess the free will in that case comes from deciding whether or not to go with the "plan".
Roger Amdahl: Free wil is ok ... If you want to believe, please do. But leave the other people alone, and don't force your ideas upon them.. That is where Religion is making most mistakes
Corona Anatine: we only believe that life 'needs ' moon and stable factors ect because we have them
Corona Anatine: that is in many was an assumption
herman Bergson: Hold on plz....
herman Bergson: We should make a sharp distinction here...
herman Bergson: What CB says is a psychological observation...not a philosophical one...
Corona Anatine: what CB axel or anyone else 'feels' about reality has no meaning to the universe
herman Bergson: What we here try to do is to find philosophical arguments and evidence for how people justify their existence
Roger Amdahl: No Corona. If we had no moon, earth's rotation would be very unstable, the north/south pole axis would swing like hell ... that implies very unstable climate.. , very hard to form life without a moon
Corona Anatine: being alive should be justification enough
CB Axel: Exactly. What I mean is that people who believe in god's will don't want to take responsibility for the state of the world.
Corona Anatine: that is perhaps so - until we find a planet without those that has life
Roger Amdahl: God's will you have a bad life ???? get serious please
Max Chatnoir: Story of Job?
CB Axel: Roger, that's what some people believe. Not me.
CB Axel: I'm just saying...
Corona Anatine: for instance a planet with a thick /dense atmosphere would not have extreme climate changes over the year however extreme the axial tilt
Corona Anatine: aslo
herman Bergson: irrelevant Corona...
Roger Amdahl: Yes... I know ... But I can't accept that stupid thinking
herman Bergson: we are discussing philosophy here ...
CB Axel: I can't either.
Corona Anatine: if it were a moon with an ice crust and liquid ocean beneath
Corona Anatine: so there are many parameters that allow life
herman Bergson: could you please stick to the subject
Roger Amdahl: *smiles
Max Chatnoir: Herman, I think you need a banana.  :-)
CB Axel: LOL
herman Bergson: I think so too Max :-))
Roger Amdahl: Well, we are half a chromosome away from a chimpansee... banana's are nice
CB Axel: Maybe we should all step back for a banana break. LOL
herman Bergson: The second point roger mentioned was this Designer....
Corona Anatine: God's will you have a bad life - that assumes that you and 'god' share the same values as to what 'bad' is
Corona Anatine: which need not be
herman Bergson: This designer will be the focus of some oncoming lectures :-)
herman Bergson: As I said...there is a lot of money in the US behind that idea
Max Chatnoir: I have two bones to pick with the designer, and both of them are in my knees.
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): who designed the designer?
Bejiita Imako: now thats an interesting idea
herman Bergson: ANd what I also notice is that the ID theory is mainly discussed in the US only
Corona Anatine: why is it assumed the 'designer' was intelligent
Bejiita Imako: the old saying turtles all way down might come in handy
Max Chatnoir: Yes, the support for "Answers in Genesis" is about 100x what science education gets.
Roger Amdahl: And the US being a secular state ... giving money to teach rubbish about designer without any proof of it ?? I am flabbergasted
herman Bergson: Roger...
Corona Anatine: well they do consider the bible to be 'proof'
Chantal (nymf.hathaway): Thats due to where the schoolbooks are printed Roger
herman Bergson: There have been up to now at least 25 trials in Court to get ID in the educational system
Corona Anatine: yeh such as caddis flies having fish hooks
herman Bergson: In the US they go to court for that
Max Chatnoir: Max, who lives in Texas, is chagrinned.
herman Bergson: really fascinating....
Roger Amdahl: sorry Herman ... that is bullshit too.. Bible holds no proof ... There was no Excodus .. Israeli archeologists came to that conclusion based on facts.. no Noah's arc ... No whatever .. just stories
Corona Anatine: that does nt matter to the exponents of iD
herman Bergson: Roger...stay philosophical in this matter....
Roger Amdahl: oops .. Not responding to herman .. was responding to Corona
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): what is id?
Max Chatnoir: Intelligent Design.
Corona Anatine: they are ID adovates or just ID  for short
CB Axel: I'm sure we all agree with that, Roger, but there are a lot of people here in the US who have never been taught how to think for themselves.
herman Bergson: I know what you mean...but we need clear arguments only....
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): thank you
herman Bergson: Intelligent Design, Beertje
Corona Anatine: or anywhere else in the world come to that
Roger Amdahl: With so many proof of evolution, big bang ,... it troubles me to stay philosophical .. proof is overwhelming ..
Corona Anatine: few want to think for themselves - preferring long dead ancestors to think for them
CB Axel: Exactly, Corona.
herman Bergson smiles
herman Bergson: of course you are excused Roger ^_^
CB Axel: Thinkin' is hard. °͜°
Max Chatnoir: So we get stuck in the mindset we have when we are 7.
Max Chatnoir: Interesting.
Bejiita Imako: indeed, the right that all should have right to shoot each other all time in us having 20 guns per person is from some guys lived 300 years ago
herman Bergson: Yes Max....all"religious" ideas show up in the brain during that period....
Max Chatnoir: And ever so many people are ever so happy to take advantage of that.
Bejiita Imako: i dont get it
Bejiita Imako: in sweden only police and license hunters can have guns
Bejiita Imako: ins no right to have it
Bejiita Imako: its
herman Bergson: The belief in conscious objects, like trees, teddybears and so on...
Bejiita Imako: and also im alive today
CB Axel wishes she lived in Sweden.
herman Bergson: Like a young boy said....I need my body so I can run around
Chantal (nymf.hathaway): Its never too late CB
Max Chatnoir: Well, I get it.  I remember being totally fascinated by the tales of the end of the world that kid next door told me.  Kids love stories.
Corona Anatine: grass is alwas greener axel
Corona Anatine: Sweden has had rape incidents rise drastically in recent years
herman Bergson: And then the idea that everything has a reason....
CB Axel: My grass is covered by 13 inches of snow right now.
Max Chatnoir: God is testing you, CB.  :-)
Corona Anatine: that would not change much in sweden
CB Axel: °͜°
herman Bergson: Lol no corona....would be 26 inch there
Corona Anatine: but how would nayone know what the tests are?
Roger Amdahl: Your grass will grow faster now because it is in the dark CB :) .. banana - theory ... watch the proof when snow disappears :)
CB Axel: hehehe
Max Chatnoir: I think that idea that everything has a reason is very persistent.  I still get "What are cockroaches for" from my students.
CB Axel: I'm pretty sure I'm flunking god's test.
Corona Anatine: agfain how would you know
herman Bergson: Ahh yes Max....typical example...
Ciska Riverstone: without that drive - would we try to develop?
herman Bergson: No Ciska...it is the drive behind science....
Corona Anatine: cockroachs are for cockroaching
CB Axel: Max, tell them that the cockroaches aren't "for" anything, but this is how they fit into the life cycle.
herman Bergson: but here again we say: only EVIDENCE based....plz
Max Chatnoir: The thing that Haldane said about God = he must really have liked beetles.
Bejiita Imako: they just are
Bejiita Imako: like we all are
Bejiita Imako: i think at least
Corona Anatine: i thought it was hydrogen and empty space that 'god' liked
Max Chatnoir: I do, CB.  I'm not sure I make much of a dent.
Roger Amdahl: Ohh.. here is another religious key word ... end of world. How to scare the people .. exactly .. predict end of world, and only if you believed all rubbish in this book, you will live for ever ... saying thank you all day .. sometimes accompanied by musical instruments... well, that sounds like hell to me .
herman Bergson: Answer the question within the proper context Max...
herman Bergson: Within the context of the food chain for instance...
Max Chatnoir: Yum.
Max Chatnoir: But that is a good idea.
Corona Anatine: well im sure there are tribes/groups that eat cockroaches
Max Chatnoir: I'm sure SOMEBODY eats cockroaches.  Maybe rats.
herman Bergson: You could ask....why are you here for.....
Corona Anatine: bird would for one
herman Bergson: If you put is in a wide metaphysical perspective ti is anonsense question...
Max Chatnoir: I will have to look it up.  :-)
CB Axel: Chickens eat cockroaches and I eat chickens, so I indirectly eat cockroaches.
herman Bergson: but within the context of SL, personal interest in philosophy , it can be properly answered
Corona Anatine: or you could ask from a cockroach perspective 'what are humans for
herman Bergson: lol
Corona Anatine: it is as meaningful
CB Axel: I like that, Corona.
herman Bergson: here we have the pure animism again :-))
Max Chatnoir: Frogs, beetles, geckos iguanas, parasitic wasps.
Ciska Riverstone: true corona - very important question for a cockroach
Roger Amdahl: Humans are for feeding the cockroaches ..
Max Chatnoir: Who doesn't love a gecko.
Max Chatnoir: I'll pull that out next time.
CB Axel: But do cockroaches even ask, or do they just go about their cockroachy business without worrying about it?
herman Bergson: and our ability to put a mind in an inanimate being
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): do coclroaches screem when they se us, like we screem as we see a cockroach?
Corona Anatine: a more siginificant example than cockraoches would be -what are tapeworms for
Corona Anatine: they just are
CB Axel: Maybe wondering why we are here is what separates us from the cockroaches.
herman Bergson: Corona gives here the example of how deep this kind of thinking is embedded in us
Corona Anatine: oh its very deeply embedded
herman Bergson: oh yes...
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): lol Corona
Bejiita Imako: ahaa
Corona Anatine: to se the universe as being here for our benefit
herman Bergson: and the earth as our property...
Corona Anatine: 'god ' also is seen as being here for our benefit
Max Chatnoir: Yes.  We needed a moon for life to evolve so that WE could evolve.
Roger Amdahl: mm... how modest Corona .. the universe just for our benefit ?? LOL
herman Bergson: Roger...
herman Bergson: What else should we do with the universe?
Corona Anatine: wel that is how creationsist se eit
herman Bergson: As such it is a total waist of space, energy, matter....
herman Bergson: isnt it?
Roger Amdahl: mm.. what we do with cockroaches.? it is just there, because it happened..
Corona Anatine: to the ID folk the universe has the purpose of being here for our use
Chantal (nymf.hathaway): aren't we all the center?!
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): why should we do something with the universe, we can't even make the earth healthy
herman Bergson: Well Chantal...that is the weird point....
Corona Anatine: and it follows that 'god' also is here for our purpose
Roger Amdahl: Well Herman , maybe to your surprise, the total sum of energy ( matter being a form of energy too) might be excactly ZERO !!
Roger Amdahl: no waist at all
herman Bergson: Whereever we look ...into space...it is moving away from US!
herman Bergson: that is very weird....
Corona Anatine: becsue despite having the whole of space and time to manage 'god' finds time to hear prayers
CB Axel: I don't blame space. It can't tolerate us.
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): we eat too much garlic...
herman Bergson whispers: Nooooo! Beertje...I love it!
Roger Amdahl: well .. garlic keeps the vampires away :)
Max Chatnoir: Never!
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): lol
Bejiita Imako: hahaha¨
herman Bergson: Yes Roger you are right!
Max Chatnoir: God made garlic for population control.
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): hahahah
Roger Amdahl: LOL
herman Bergson: SO I guess it is time for us all to get our garlic and end this class :-))
Bejiita Imako: when u eat it noone want to be near you
Bejiita Imako: lol
herman Bergson: Thank you all for your participation again ^_^
Bejiita Imako: at least afterwards
CB Axel reaches for another banana.
Bejiita Imako:
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): not even universe Bejiita:)
herman Bergson: CLass dismissed.....
Bejiita Imako: this was good
CB Axel: Excellent discussion. Thank you, all.
Roger Amdahl: eat garlic too. you'll be fine with another garlic-lover :)
Corona Anatine: on the 8th day god made motorcycles
herman Bergson: And an A+ for the one of you who comes up with the best garlic recipe...
Bejiita Imako: i love garlic
Bejiita Imako: ok cu next time
Chantal (nymf.hathaway): Thank you Herman and everyone else Most interesting!
Ciska Riverstone: thank you herman - thanx folks
herman Bergson: I love to make Aioli....:-)
Corona Anatine: thanks Herman -good presentation
Roger Amdahl: Thanks Herman ... nice lecture, good discussion ..
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): thank you Herman :))
herman Bergson: My pleasure
Corona Anatine: so now we know why we are here-
Corona Anatine: to hear herman speak
Max Chatnoir: Good try, Herman!  You know humans are supposed to be pedomorphic.  Maybe that's why we keep the ideas we had when we were 7.
herman Bergson: Yes...
herman Bergson: homework...
CB Axel: I thought it was to feed bananas and garlic to cockroaches.
herman Bergson: The best Garlic dish recipe ..next Tuesday
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): yes:)
Bejiita Imako: good idea herman
Bejiita Imako:
Bejiita Imako: c then
Door Deluxe Plus: harry Moonwing has just entered your land !
Bejiita Imako: cu
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): have a goodnight all and sweet dreams about garlic:)

Bejiita Imako: hehe 

566: Belief and proof

All those, who preached some religion, knew , that the god they referred to was there. That is, if you believed it, 
because although some claimed they had seen their god, the other ten or twenty million people hadn’t. And that was, of course, a bit peculiar.
If you have only a little understanding of statistics and how nature works, it can’t be otherwise than that if one person sees god at least another 10.000 must too in a population of millions.
It is like my ideas about what I’d like to script in LSL, so that it will happen in Second Life. 
I have learnt through the years, that when I have some idea, someone else had it already too and wrote a nice script. So, look first in Open Source material….
But with the phenomenon god it seems to be a bit different. He isn’t that easy to catch. And of course that worried a lot of preachers, that demanded for our belief.
And this naturally made atheists drool, because their “opponents” had to come up with a PROOF of the existence of the god they claimed to serve.
I am not sure, but it might be so, that such a discussion about proof, is a typical feature of our culture and this monotheistic christianity.
Already in the Middle Ages they spend a lot of intellectual energy on this issue. Of course we’ll look into that later. Fascinating enterprise…
But there comes this thought to my mind. Only Western philosophy moved from all kinds of metaphysics and theology to science: principles, laws of physics based on evidence and so on.
Before we took that step to science, it already was probably in our genes to demand for proof, for evidence.  
And because the Middle Ages were dominated by theology, the Western mind applied its questioning to the main issue of theology: does god exist?
We, and here I mean Western culture, seem to have developed a natural drive for evidence….We want to see proof. 
The moment I wrote what I just said, I really had to smile, because it came to my mind that this attitude is actually described by the Bible itself.
Look at the picture here. Caravaggio painted it in 1602 - 1603. In real it is 107 × 146 cm. I find it beautiful and it tells us an interesting thing about religion involved here.
The image is related to John 20, verse 27. 
“26 A week later his disciples were again in the house, and Thomas was with them. Although the doors were shut, Jesus came and stood among them and said, "Peace be with you." 
27 Then he said to Thomas, "Put your finger here and see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it in my side. Do not doubt but believe." 
28 Thomas answered him, "My Lord and my God!" 
29 Jesus said to him, "Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe."
Let’s ignore for the moment, that the Jesus person can enter a room, which has a locked door. What is more fascinating is what is said about our demand for real empirical proof.
We are told here that “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe.” It looks like, that the writer here tries to discourage our drive for basing our conclusions on empirical evidence.
Well, we are allowed to demand it, but it is not the higher good. That is to believe without empirical proof. 
When put into historical perspective the intellectual development of homo sapiens overruled this advise and developed science.
So, I would say that this scientific attitude is in our genes and thus led to attempts to PROVE the existence of a god.
Later on we’ll look into this subject, because the atheist finds it just rubbish and I want to hear their arguments. 
In our time the old attempts to proof the existence of a god are presumably nice intellectual puzzles of argumentation and logic.
You could say that the attitude of Thomas towards reality has won eventually and that the idea of Intelligent Design (ID) is a contemporary attempt to proof the existence of a god.
You won’t believe it, but in my research I did not only read about arguments that try to proof the existence of a god.
I was amazed to discover, that people even put intellectual energy in developing an anti existence of god proof, although  its existence not yet has been proved.
And just when I am writing this I switch to a Twitter page….No idea how Twitter works, but the entry is called “Godsbewijzen @godsbewijzen” (Proof of god)
I am really flabbergasted what I read there. Atheism = immorality, atheism is sickening, atheism = no meaning of life, the absurdity of life without God.
To quote Spock, while raising my left eyebrow: FASCINATING.
I found this quote. You have to hear this just to give you a feeling about what we are discussing here:
"If atheism is true, it is far from being good news. Learning that we're alone in the universe, that no one hears or answers our prayers, 
that humanity is entirely the product of random events, that we have no more intrinsic dignity than non-human and even non-animate clumps of matter, 
that we face certain annihilation in death, that our sufferings are ultimately pointless, that our lives and loves do not at all matter in a larger sense, 
that those who commit horrific evils and elude human punishment get away with their crimes scot free — all of this (and much more) is utterly tragic."
The author of these words is some Damon Linker, who you can find here: http://theweek.com/authors/damon-linker 
No idea who this fellow is, but the way he shaves and models his beard is quite interesting to see :-))
Thank you all again for your attention…the floor is yours.. ^_^

The Discussion

Corona Anatine: re jesus a wound is only proof that the the person survived an injury somehow -its not proof of 'god' and that is something tangible -given god is supposedly 'intangible' what sort of proof could be obtained?
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): i love Carravagio
Max Chatnoir: I think the difficulty of constructing either proofs or disproofs of God is that first you have to makes some assumptions about what God is or is not.
herman Bergson: Yes me too Gemma....the way he experiments with light!
Corona Anatine: agreed max
Bejiita Imako: yes
herman Bergson: Oh yes Max....
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): think the best person to read to see someone who PROVES the existance of god in his writing is Thomas Aquinas
Bejiita Imako: What is really a god?
herman Bergson: we still ahve along way togo here :-))
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): he is the one most quoted in religious studies
herman Bergson: Yes Gemma...Aquino is a number one indeed
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): yes if one believes it all makes sense
herman Bergson: We'll discuss his ideas here definitely !
Bejiita Imako: Its like chasing after the Higgs boson, you first need to know WHAT you are looking for. That we find in Higgs case in the math of the standard model. With god we have nothing to go on from start however
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): if one does not is it just more of the usual
Bejiita Imako: so will be much harder
Bejiita Imako: no starting point for the search
herman Bergson: But we are not here to believe things...but to know things
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): yes
Bejiita Imako: yes
Max Chatnoir: It seems like asking for belief without any evidence seems to be like setting up a scam.
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): that is what belief does tho
CB Axel: We have a better chance of proving Big Foot exists because we know what we're looking for.
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): faith
Corona Anatine: well the starting point would be the idea that 'god' is sentient
Bejiita Imako: yes,
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): people with faith are sure
Areyn Laurasia: And what would be evidence? Something you can see? Touch? Feel?
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): Sure in their beliefs
Bejiita Imako: well we have to detect it someway and be able to analyze what it is
Corona Anatine: the criteria are surely for theists to list
herman Bergson: AA point Corona....
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): not if you just believe
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): :_)
herman Bergson: And Gemma you make a point too..
Bejiita Imako: ah
herman Bergson: we not yet discussed the difference between faith and belief..
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): well
Corona Anatine: a subtle one perhaps herman
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): yes
herman Bergson: yes it is Corona...
herman Bergson: but it really needs its own lecture...
herman Bergson: We have to organize our ideas about the difference first
Corona Anatine: okiies
herman Bergson: But what amused me most today was the idea about Thomas and his attitude towards reality....
Corona Anatine: i dod recall reading somewhere that if  god appeared to one person and not others than faith without proof loses any point or virtue
herman Bergson: Interesting point is that only John tells that story....the other three do not mention it
Ciska Riverstone: why is that herman?
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): he is always called doubting Thomas
herman Bergson: Well Ciska,...only Mark tells the story of Xmas for instance...
herman Bergson: so I dont know...:-)
Corona Anatine: the question with tom has to be -exactly what was he doubting
herman Bergson: just four different writers...
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): actually he doubted a lot of things that happened with Jesus
herman Bergson: He doubted that jesus was alive again, Corona...
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): that is why he was invited to put his finger in the wou8nd
herman Bergson: returned from death
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): as proof
Corona Anatine: [four approved writers ignoring the gnostic texts]-
herman Bergson: creepy story btw....:-)
Corona Anatine: ok but if the story is true then surely that jc was alive was clear
Corona Anatine: why the extra need of the wound probing
herman Bergson: There were a lot of more gospels around...
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): i think it was just a joke type thing to thomas
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate) GIGGLES!!
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): ...LOL...
Areyn Laurasia: special effects...
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): to be honest
herman Bergson: but in 345 or so in Nicea they decided that the four we have now were the right ones
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): right
Corona Anatine: right
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): some of the others are most interesting
CB Axel: More interesting, even
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): yes
herman Bergson: Indeed Gemma :-))
Corona Anatine: why stop at four - why not reduce it to just one definitive text
Areyn Laurasia: which ones would you recommend reading?
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): i cant name them
herman Bergson: So it all has an arbitrary character....these gospels...
herman Bergson: four completely different stories
Max Chatnoir: Thomas is one of them, isn't it?
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): well as usual in the catholic church a bunch of old men sat down and decided
Max Chatnoir: Another gospel?
herman Bergson: Yes it is max
Corona Anatine: as a irecall tghey chose the ones that were most popular at congregations
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): as they still do
herman Bergson: I dont mind Corona..:-)
herman Bergson: Issue is that we have Intelligent Design today and the attempts to proof the existence of a god through the ages :-)
herman Bergson: We look at atheism here....
herman Bergson: so we look at its targets :-)
Max Chatnoir: The ID people sometimes claim that they are not saying that God was the designer.
Max Chatnoir: Just that there WAS a designer.
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate) GIGGLES!!
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): ...LOL...
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): every lecture is a tree and it has branches that draw out out and out
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): and we stray from the topic
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): always have
Corona Anatine: what other forms could a universe designer take Max?
herman Bergson: Yes gemma..Philosophical SLife is an art :-))
Bejiita Imako:
Bejiita Imako: ehehe
Max Chatnoir: Oh, they don't want to go there.  :-)
Bejiita Imako: it sure is
herman Bergson: Well...let me make a point here...to clarify my position in this project...
Areyn Laurasia: why does the intelligent design have to have a form at all?
herman Bergson: A sec Areyn..:-)
Corona Anatine: god knows
Areyn Laurasia: ok
herman Bergson: I regard religion to be a cultural phenomenon equivalent to art and music....
herman Bergson: it is there....
herman Bergson: period...we as human beings produce it
Corona Anatine: totally agree
Bejiita Imako: thats true
herman Bergson: And from this perspective I try to analyse atheism
Bejiita Imako: god is just in some peoples minds, don’t really exist
Bejiita Imako: only physics and chemistry do
herman Bergson: Bejiita....you may say that but you are ahead of us here then :-))
Max Chatnoir: That is a nice point.  I talked to a minister once who was inviting me to attend his church, and I said that I had to admit that I went to church mostly for the music.  He suggested that maybe I went to music for the religion.  I thought it was a good point.
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): that is a good perspective ... as in any other art or music
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): ah
Bejiita Imako:
Corona Anatine: as another set of beliefs about the universe then herman?
Max Chatnoir: Well, maybe the idea of God is a road to trying to take a perspective on things outside of ourselves.
herman Bergson: I do not agree Max....
herman Bergson: He was trying to rub religion on you...if that is the right way to say it
Corona Anatine: that only has validity if 'god' is true max
herman Bergson: It is like the Jehovas do when you say..No God does not exist...
herman Bergson: then they reply...
Corona Anatine: othersie it is a false perspective
herman Bergson: AHHHH!!!! So you know about god?!
Max Chatnoir: Well, I gave it some serious thought.
herman Bergson: Bach ahs composed the most beautiful religious music...I LOVE tolisten to it.....for the music...
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): yes
herman Bergson: That his employer was the church I don't mind...beauty is beauty
Max Chatnoir: It can certainly be a profound experience.
Bejiita Imako: thats true for sure
herman Bergson: Oh yes MAx.....very!
herman Bergson: But it is an aesthetic experience...not a religious one for me
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): and Michaelangelo
Corona Anatine: what makes bach religious music - because it was written for the church , the lyrics -as music on its own has no allegiance unless assigned one
Bejiita Imako: Bach is awesome
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): who spent most of his time employed by the church
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate) GIGGLES!!
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): ...LOL...
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): and fighting with popes
herman Bergson: and making children in good religious tradition, Gemma :-)))
herman Bergson: how many were it...14?
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): dont recall
Corona Anatine: i doupt bacjh did either
herman Bergson: But yet a sad part of his life because some died so young.....
Max Chatnoir: It's funny.  I wasn't raised Catholic, but I've sung a lot of settings of the Mass and other religious texts, like the Te Deum, and so I know most of those texts in Latin!
herman Bergson: Yes Max....
Max Chatnoir: Music has certainly contributed to my religious education.  :-)
herman Bergson: I had a teacher, teaching French at high school...
Corona Anatine: even so they are part of religion not part of god
Max Chatnoir: What a nice distinction, Corona!
Corona Anatine: there is a movment to have atheist hymns and choirs etc
herman Bergson: when there was some reference to a bilical name and someone didnt know who Adam or Eve were she was upset...
herman Bergson: She always said
herman Bergson: You dont need to be religious...but you need to know your culture
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): ahha
Max Chatnoir: Well, the biblical stories are an important part of our cultural background.
herman Bergson: Yes,,,they are....
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): yes
Max Chatnoir: So I agree that we should understand those references.
Bejiita Imako: that i can agree with
herman Bergson: I agree Max...
Corona Anatine: agreed
herman Bergson: But atheism is a totally different story :-)
Max Chatnoir: I don't want to ban the Bible, just not use it for a science textbook.
Corona Anatine: how important is a moot point but they have some
CB Axel: Right, Max.
Max Chatnoir: Well, about like the Greek myths.
Max Chatnoir: Pandora's Box, Prometheus, etc.
herman Bergson: Yes...or the Gilgamesh or any ancient text...
Bejiita Imako: indeed
herman Bergson: nice literature...
Corona Anatine: well a lot of atheism comes from those who progress past religion - without any unifying common ground
CB Axel: Beowulf
Bejiita Imako: those should not be used instead of science
Max Chatnoir: Yes!
herman Bergson: What I am discovering is that atheism is a christian hobby...:-)
herman Bergson: I mean....
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate) GIGGLES!!
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): ...LOL...
Corona Anatine: a belief in 'god' will bring together those with a similar veiw of what religion should be - but atheism is not like that
herman Bergson: The atheists never debate Zeus or Jupiter or Donar....only this christian god
Corona Anatine: as its something that is not part of a persons identity as such
Max Chatnoir: Well, and the other big monotheistic religions.
Ciska Riverstone: mayby christianity is an atheist hobby then
herman Bergson: ahh...I forgot to mention Allah...
Max Chatnoir: So believe in God has NOT brought people together.
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): who is actually the same
Max Chatnoir: They just fight about which concept is the right one.
herman Bergson: Looks like it Ciska :-))
Corona Anatine: only becsue those other gods are not mainstream beliefs and so are not seen as needing disprove
Bejiita Imako: indeed max
Ciska Riverstone: not so much the other way round ;)
Max Chatnoir: Yes, there aren't any Zoroastrian terrorists.
herman Bergson: No...they fight about power in our society, Max....
CB Axel: 1)Zeus, etc were already made unimportant by monotheism and 2) those ancient gods are not being shoved down our throats.
Max Chatnoir: Are there?
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): oh but there were
Corona Anatine: or seeking to undermine science withh ID
herman Bergson: Religion is about power..political power...
Areyn Laurasia: ah.. finally something I agree with :)
Bejiita Imako: very much.
Max Chatnoir: I think so, too.
herman Bergson: hurraa for Areyn :-))
Bejiita Imako: not so much bringing people together as t meaningless kill each other for whos god is right
Max Chatnoir: Would Christianity have taken such a hold if it hadn't been the state religion of Rome?
Bejiita Imako: like shia and sunni do all time
Bejiita Imako: blowing each other up
Max Chatnoir: And spread to the rest of the Empire?
Bejiita Imako: totally nuts if u ask me
herman Bergson: Indeed MAx....religion is politics...
Bejiita Imako: and that is a bad thing
Bejiita Imako: really bad
Corona Anatine: not feeling fully well - logging out - some minor headcold or somehting cya
herman Bergson: Well not the topic of today...but yet :-))
Bejiita Imako: ooow
Max Chatnoir: Hope you feel better, Corona.
Bejiita Imako: bye corona
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): take it easy
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): Bye, Bye   
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): tace care Corona
Bejiita Imako: ouch. My best rl friend didn’t feel really good today either
Bejiita Imako: headache all day he said before
herman Bergson: I hope it is not due to my blasphemic lectures Bejiita :-))
Max Chatnoir: I have to admit that I thought it was pretty scary that George Bush thought that God wanted him to be President.
Bejiita Imako: hehe that i don’t think
Bejiita Imako: you do a good job Herman
Bejiita Imako:
herman Bergson: That would scare me too MAx...oh my...
CB Axel: More afraid that GW thought that or that God wanted him to be pres/
CB Axel: ?
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): he realy believed that ?
Bejiita Imako: eeeeh ok
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate) GIGGLES!!
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): ...LOL...
Max Chatnoir: Well, he said it; presumably he believed it.  I don't think he was joking.
herman Bergson: The first politician in the Netherlands who dares to say that is OUT...
CB Axel: I'm not sure if I'm more afraid of a president that thinks that or a god what wants that
herman Bergson: a total loss
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): Romney i think also believes so eeven tho he is not going to run
Areyn Laurasia: eyes the apparition next to herman..
herman Bergson: hmmm,,I didnt htink I Missed your kisses SIr
Bejiita Imako: agree herman
CB Axel: So Romney is defying the will of God?
GGemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): maybe
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): being realistic
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): he ran twice
herman Bergson: The way the US population deals with religion and god is so totally different from Europe
Max Chatnoir: How so, Herman?
Bejiita Imako: well even the money have "in god we trust" on them
Bejiita Imako: all is about god there
herman Bergson: Hmmm...how can I put it....
Bejiita Imako: they are as religios as the ones in middle east, only different religions
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): that is true
Max Chatnoir: That's true.  And somebody got it into the Pledge of Allegiance.
Max Chatnoir: I love it that French money has authors and philosophers on it!
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): the Vatican has a terrible time with Americans
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate) GIGGLES!!
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): ...LOL...
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): we are tooo free
Bejiita Imako: hehe
herman Bergson: Thank you Bejiita...you saved me some typing
Bejiita Imako:
CB Axel: "In God We Trust" and "Under God" didn't get added until the 20th century, I believe.
Max Chatnoir: You don't have to worry about offending me.  I just work here.  :-)
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): you must remember that the beginning of America was mostly baseed on those escaping from prejudice in England
herman Bergson: In the US it is accepted that a President says..So help me God Allmighty...of rinstance...
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): yes
Bejiita Imako: yes
Max Chatnoir: Under God was put in during my lifetime.
Bejiita Imako: they say prayers to everything
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): not to
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): for
Max Chatnoir: I'm not sure I saw enough money to be sure of the other!
herman Bergson: though religion and State are two different things since 1789
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): correct
Bejiita Imako: ah¨ok
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): is it in the constitution
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): separation of church and state
Max Chatnoir: Isn't the pyramid thing a masonic symbol?  That's on the money.
herman Bergson: Bu the founding Fathers didnt put it there
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): tho some try to insist that it is a religious country
herman Bergson: Yes it is Max
herman Bergson: Made me wonder ....
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): many of the writers of the constitution were masons
Bejiita Imako: ok
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): i forget the number
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): but some of the important ones were
herman Bergson: It shows...
herman Bergson: But we are pleasantly off topic now....:-)
Max Chatnoir: Wikipedia says 1873 for God on the money.
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate) GIGGLES!!
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): ...LOL...
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): time to go
Ciska Riverstone: The USA might get into troubles if people stop believing as their state help systems won't be able to do all the work done by religious volunteers right now.
herman Bergson: so time to end our disbates...
CB Axel: That early, Max? OK.
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): ♥ Thank Youuuuuuuuuu!! ♥
Max Chatnoir: Not quite during my lifetime.  :-)
Bejiita Imako: interesting as always
Ciska Riverstone: thanx herman - thanx all
Bejiita Imako:
herman Bergson: So...thank youall again....for your participation...:-)
Max Chatnoir: Yes, these discussions are always so interesting!
Bejiita Imako: very
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): gets one to think
Bejiita Imako:
herman Bergson: Class dismissed ...
CB Axel: Thank you, herman
Max Chatnoir: I'm so happy Chantal told me about them.
Bejiita Imako: true
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): good
Areyn Laurasia: Thanks... I don't know which is scarier.. whether god exists or not.. or that there are people who believe...
Gemma Allen (gemma.cleanslate): Bye, Bye   
Max Chatnoir: What is the topic for next time?
herman Bergson: I bet for the last option Areyn...
herman Bergson: I'll start with Intelligent design Max..and then like to look into history....th eontological argument eand the like..:-)
Areyn Laurasia: Freemasons aren't Christians.. are they?
bergfrau Apfelbaum: ty herman & class! it was very interesting! clapclap
Max Chatnoir: Oh, good, that will be fun!
herman Bergson: I don't know Areyn....
CB Axel: That will be fun.
herman Bergson: But I think they were murdered by christians in those days
Bejiita Imako: cu soon all
Max Chatnoir: Thanks, Herman.  I'll see you all Tuesday.
CB Axel admits to almost complete ignorance re: freemasonry.
Bejiita Imako: bye
herman Bergson: as heretics or something like that
Bejiita Imako:
bergfrau Apfelbaum: see ou next week :-) byebye´s
Max Chatnoir: My dad was a Mason, but very strict about keeping it all secret!  :-)
CB Axel: Bye, bye, everyone. See you Tuesday.
CB Axel: God willing
CB Axel: ?
herman Bergson: lol
herman Bergson: I will CB
CB Axel: !
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): that was fast reading this evening:))....
Max Chatnoir: And my maternal grandfather was in the Knights Templar!
Max Chatnoir: I only know because we have his sword.  :-)
herman Bergson: Cool , Max
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): have a goodnight and thank you Herman
Areyn Laurasia: nice :)
herman Bergson: By eBeertje x
Areyn Laurasia: nite nite
herman Bergson: Bye Areyn :-))
Max Chatnoir: Good night.
Max Chatnoir: OK, back to the open door.  See you all next week.  :-)
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): interesting class..i never learned anything about religion..my youth was all about surviving
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): (I made it)
Max Chatnoir: And we're glad you did, little bear.  :-)
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont):
herman Bergson: Yes indeed....
herman Bergson: otherwise your beauty had gone lost...
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): it almost was lost..yes
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): but i'm still alive
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont):
herman Bergson: Indeed you are..!
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): i just listen to your lectures and the discussion..i don't know anything about this subject
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont): but it's very interesting
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont):
herman Bergson: Well...religion is a huge influence in our society....
herman Bergson: so at least you have some understanding of it....as myFrench teacher demanded
.: Beertje :. (beertje.beaumont):